Function FileToString(strFilename As String) As String iFile = FreeFile Open strFilename Fo...
下面是如何从VB6 manual中将整个文本文件读入字符串。
PrivateDeclareFunctionSetFilePointerLib"kernel32"(ByValhFileAsLong,ByVallDistanceToMoveAsLong, lpDistanceToMoveHighAsLong,ByValdwMoveMethodAsLong)AsLong PrivateConstINVALID_HANDLE_VALUE=-1 PrivateConstGENERIC_READ=&H80000000 PrivateConstGENERIC_WRITE=&H40000000 PrivateConstFILE_SHARE_READ=&H1 PrivateConst...
I was planning to write an application today which simply opens an Excel file and read the Cell values into an array so that I could manipulate it accordingly. Since I don't have VS.NET installed on my home PC, I decided to do it with VB6 :o)...
WriteINI "D:\abc.ini","设置","Text4",Text4.text End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() '读取INI Text1.Text=ReadINI("D:\abc.ini","设置","Text1") Text2.Text=ReadINI("D:\abc.ini","设置","Text2") Text3.Text=ReadINI("D:\abc.ini","设置","Text3") Text4.Text=ReadINI(...
.LoadFromFile strInputFile .Type = adTypeText .Charset = strInputCharset intWritePosition = 0 objOutputStream.Open objOutputStream.Charset = strOutputCharset Do While .EOS <> True strText = .ReadText(adReadLine) objOutputStream.WriteText strText...
(1)文件语句的一般格式Open FileName FOR Random [Acess <Mode>] [Lock] As Filen umber [Len=reclenth] 其中: [Acess <Mode>]:可选参数,Acess是关键词。Mode有Read、Write、Read Write。 [Lock]:设定要打开文件的权限。有以下参数Share、Lock Read、Lock Write、Lock Wri ...
Public Function FileReadByLineTexT(ByVal mvarFilePath As String, ByRef Return_DataT() As Variant) As Boolean 'text改个MULTIPLINE就可以了 Dim sFile$ Dim sType$, arrTmp sFile = mvarFilePath '用户选择的文件名 arrTmp = Split(sFile, ".") If IsArray(arrTmp) Then sType = arrTmp(UBound...
在WinSock1.0 中可以使用ReadFile和WriteFile来支持重叠IO,但是WinSock2.0 中重新设计的一套函数来支持重叠IO WSASend (send的等价函数) WSASendTo...API) TransmitPackets (专门用于高效发送大规模数据包的扩展API) DisconnectEx (扩展的断开连接的Winsock API) WSANSPIoctl (用于操作名字空间的重叠...nIndex -...
Faster populate datagridview with data from text file Fastest way to get size of a directory including all files and sub folders Fastest Way to import xlsx to Datatable--> 7 files with 200 MB of Data Fastest way to read large text file File & Folder Browser in VB File browser in ...