③PrivateSubTest(Sarray()AsString)④PrivateSubTest(StAsString) A.①②B.①④C.②③④D.①②③④ 70.VB中运用Circle方法不可以画___。 A.圆B.直线C.弧D.椭圆 71.在窗体模块的通用声明段中声明变量时,不能使用___关键字。 A.DimB.PublicC.PrivateD.Static 72.日期类型(Date)在程序中运用时,日期...
Debug.Print("Date document last saved: " & dmDoc.LastSavedDate) 'Get the names of the revision tables in the document Dim tableNames As Object tableNames = dmDoc.GetTableNames(SwDmTableType.swDmTableTypeRevision) Dim i As Integer If Not IsNothing(tableNames) Then For i = 0 To UBound(ta...
Public Function Time_To_String_With_Milliseconds(TheTime As Double) As String Dim Temp As String Dim TimeFraction As Double Dim Msc As Long Dim TempTime As Date On Error GoTo errc If TheTime = 0 Then Time_To_String_With_Milliseconds = "" Exit Function End If TimeFraction = TheTime * ...
GetHeaderFooterString(swStandardHeaderFooterPageSetupTexts_e.swHeaderFooterText_PageCount) footerText = (footerTextNumber & " of " & footerTextCount) swPageSetup.CenterFooter = footerText 'Create a print specification printSpec = swModelDocExt.GetPrintSpecification printSpec.ConvertToHighQuality = ...
Note that the code Zyyy refers to common characters that cannot be used to distinguish scripts. The script code is not added if there is only one script in that language and no other scripts are detected in the string. If there is a default script among several alternatives then this ...
Public Function Time_To_String_With_Milliseconds(TheTime As Double) As String Dim Temp As String Dim TimeFraction As Double Dim Msc As Long Dim TempTime As Date On Error GoTo errc If TheTime = 0 Then Time_To_String_With_Milliseconds = "" Exit Function End If TimeFraction = TheTime * ...
' * Last saved date' * For each BOM table that is not hidden in the document:' * Name' * Whether hidden' * Whether to display components with multiple configurations as one item' * Part configuration grouping setting' * Sheet name