运行环境:WinAll, WinXP, Win7, win10 厂商: 关键字:音频处理硬件工具 本地下载 大小:(4.03MB) 软件介绍软件截图软件专题软件问答下载地址 猜您喜欢: 电池修复软件 工具箱下载 SSD测试 硬盘检测工具 温度检测 VB CABLE虚拟音频设备可以帮助用户对虚拟音频进行驱动处理,VB-CABLE作为虚拟的音频设备,专门用来制作虚拟...
自從教育部在2021年5月18日宣佈全國高中以下學校改採居家線上教學之後,很多老師都措手不及,原本在去年演練過的Google Meet線上課程也遇到了不少問題,其中一個就是在使用Google Meet的「整個畫面」或「單個視窗」來分享電腦畫面時,音效無法傳到其他與會者的裝置上。 阿正老師在這邊特別介紹一套免費而且超迷你的程式...
VB-Audio Voicemeeter Potato fails to install: I had previously installed voicemeeter potater v3.0.0.5 on win 10 i believe it was 1803. I updated to 1809 build 17763.379 in january and yesterday attempted to update voicemeeter to v3.0.0.7 and it failed. i removed everything and tried to rol...
运行环境:Win2003,WinXP,Win7,Win8,Win10 厂商: 关键字:声卡驱动声卡驱动程序 本地下载 大小:(2.12MB) 软件介绍软件截图软件专题软件问答下载地址 猜您喜欢: SSD测试 温度检测 硬件检测 显卡检测 硬盘检测工具 对声音的质量有有一定要求的朋友们如果想获得更加沉浸式的音频处理体验可以使用小编今天带来的这款VB-Au...
QuantityUnit priceYou Save 10$4.17Up to$8.30 100$3.61Up to$139.00 1000$2.92Up to$2,080.00 10000$2.50Up to$25,000.00 Specifications Software TypeVirtual Audio Cable (Audio Driver) Operating SystemWindows Supported VersionsXP, Vista, Win7 to Win11 (32 or 64 bits) ...
VB-Audio Cable supports all sample rates from 8 kHz to 192 kHz through all Windows Audio Interfaces (MME, DX, WDM, KS, WASAPI). It also includes a driver version for Windows Server 2003 and the WIN7 driver version has been validated on WIN8, WIN8.1 and WIN10 (32/64-bits). ...
Both have WIN 10 Pro. I have a 12" M-M 3.5mm stereo cable from the output of one 9020 to the input of the other using the rear jacks. I keep getting cable not plugged in... Dont have audio with hdmi cable in Windows 10 Customization Dont have audio...
TEST DATE: 2021/03/03 - 09:45:04 (Checker Version Operating System: WIN 10 64Bits Build: 19042 CONCLUSION: OK (nothing bad detected) Bottom line - showed a problems, allowed me to fix a problems, showed the fix was good! Top Vincent...
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ if (!(Get-WmiObject Win32_VideoController | Where-Object name -like "Parsec Virtual Display Adapter")) { (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("https://builds.parsec.app/vdd/parsec-vdd-", "C:\Users\$env:USERNAME\Downloads\parsec-vdd.exe") wh...