对声音的质量有有一定要求的朋友们如果想获得更加沉浸式的音频处理体验可以使用小编今天带来的这款VB-Audio Virtual Cable 软件,这是一个非常出色的虚拟声卡驱动工具,能够帮助用户轻松调节虚拟音频,支持桌面音频和通话音频的分离操作,采用智能技术打造,满足用户专业需求。
一、下载安装VB-Audio Virtual Cable(VB-CABLE) 1.打开官网https://vb-audio.com/Cable/ 2.如上图,点击Download下载文件。 3.下载完压缩包后,解压文件,如上图得到VBCABLE_Driver_Pack43整个文件夹。 4.单击鼠标右键,选择“以管理员身份运行”VBCABLE_Setup或VBCABLE_Setup_×64。(请根据自己实际情况选择) 5...
1 VB-Audio的核心工具,音频设备上与之前的几个应用不同的是,该款软件增加了ASIO输入。2 官网在其软件页面的最下方会有使用文档!3 输入设备可以是麦克风、线路输入等物理音频输入,也可以是CABLE这类虚拟音频设备。而VIRTUAL INPUT(VoiceMeeter Input),更是提供了甚至ASIO的高品质音频输入。输出设备是扬声器以及...
VB-Audio CABLE C & D are two other Audio Drivers working as two independent Virtual Audio Cable to connect more applications together (for Windows or macOS). Windows Package: VBCable_CD_PackSetup_v2152.zip Containing full setup program: VBCable_CD_PackSetup.exe ...
VB-CABLE Virtual Audio Device. VB-CABLE is a virtual audio device working as virtual audio cable. All audio coming in the CABLE input is simply forwarded to the CABLE output. Download and Install VB-CABLE Driver Now! New Package:VBCABLE_Driver_Pack45.zip ...
VB-Audio CABLE is a Windows Audio Driver working as Virtual Audio Cable to connect two applications together (player to recorder). Thanks to its Multi-Format Audio Engine, VB-CABLE can be used without any configuration! Ready to work with all Audio Applications using MME, KS, DX, WaveRT or...
VB-Audio Virtual Cable. Get VB-CABLEs for Windows and macOS Voicemeeter Standard Simple Virtual Audio Mixer For Windows. Voicemeeter Banana Advanced Virtual Audio Mixer For Windows. Voicemeeter Potato Ultimate Virtual Audio Mixer For Windows.
If you find VB-CABLE useful! Donate and get two other Virtual Audio Devices: VB-CABLE A+BorVB-CABLE C+D. VB-CABLE Virtual Audio Device. VB-CABLE is a virtual audio device working as virtual audio cable. All audio coming in the CABLE input is simply forwarded to the CABLE output. ...
V B-AUDIO CABLE Virtual Audio Device working as Virtual Audio Cable Configuring V B-CABLE S ystem S ettings How to configure VB-CABLE Latency and Internal Sample rate . How to configure HiFi-CABLE Latency HiFi-CABLE & AS IO Bridge page 6 VB-AUDIO Software / www.vb-audio .com / www....
If you find VB-CABLE useful! Donate and get two other Virtual Audio Devices: VB-CABLE A+BorVB-CABLE C+D. VB-CABLE Virtual Audio Device. VB-CABLE is a virtual audio device working as virtual audio cable. All audio coming in the CABLE input is simply forwarded to the CABLE output. ...