摘要 近半年来,38岁的赵先生每次小便都淋漓不尽,如果再用力排尿,就会有少量白色黏稠液体滴出.另外在大便偏干难排出时,饮酒后,劳累或者食用辛辣之品时,也会有以上症状.这是为什么呢?问:引起小便淋漓不尽的原因是什么?答:这种现象最常见于前列腺...
PURPOSE:To provide a transparent resin compsn. having excellent impact resistance, by blending a specified thermoplastic rubber resin with a thermoplastic methacrylate resin. CONSTITUTION:30-80pts.wt. thermoplastic resin (A) consisting of 9-20wt% conjugated diene rubber (i) (e.g. polybutadiene rub...
PURPOSE:To provide a synthetic rubber latex adhesive which has structural viscosity characteristics similar to Newtonian structural viscosity and is thicknened, by adding vinyl acetate emulsion and polyvinyl alcohol to a synthetic rubber latex. CONSTITUTION:5-15pts.wt. (on a solid content of synthetic...