就是读取服务器文件呀。微软论坛就有例子。Imports System Imports System.IO Class Test Public Shared Sub Main()Try ' 创建一个实例的StreamReader阅读从一个文件。Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader("TestFile.txt")Dim line As String ' 阅读并显示线路从文件,直到最后 ' 该文件被达成...
VB.NET文件流代码: 复制 Option ExplicitPrivate m_strFilePath As StringPrivate m_intFileNum As IntegerPrivate m_bytBuffer() As BytePublic Property Get FilePath() As StringFilePath=m_strFilePathEnd PropertyPublic Property Let FilePath(ByVal strFilePath As String)m_strFilePath= strFilePathEnd P...
VB.NET也可以用using 先FileStream,再StreamReader(写用StreamWriter) Using fs As New FileStream(p1, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) Using sw As New StreamReader(fs) Return sw.ReadToEnd End Using End Using
output.Append( r.ReadInt32().ToString() )End Select Loop Finally fs.Close()End Try return output.ToString()End Function Public Shared Function WriteFile(output As Object, selection As String) As String Dim fs As FileStream = New FileStream("data.bin", FileMode.Create)Dim w As ...
ReadBinaryFile=data End Function 在VB.NET 中读写二进制文件 在VB.NET 中,可以使用FileStream和BinaryReader/BinaryWriter类来读写二进制文件。 写二进制文件 代码语言:javascript 复制 Imports System.IOPrivate SubWriteBinaryFile(filePath As String,data()As Byte)Using fs As NewFileStream(filePath,FileMode.Cr...
vb.net 创建文件函数 vb.net filestream FileStream派生于Stream类。 在File类与FileInfo类中,提供的方法成员OpenRead,它返回只读的FileStream对象; 提供的方法成员OpenWrite,它返回可写的FileStream对象。 下面是FileInfo提供的两个方法: Public Function OpenRead As FileStream...
intByte = fs.ReadByte If intByte <> -1 Then btArray(i) = CByte(intByte) i += 1 End If Loop TextBox1.Text = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(btArray) fs.Close() End Sub End Class 一、创建FileStream对象 1、利用上面返回值(File.OpenWrite,File.OpenRead),可以取得FileStream对象,再进行相关操作。
使用FileStream 类打开源文件,然后加入 StreamReader 类,这样我们就可以使用它的VB.NET ReadLine()方法了。现在,我们调用VB.NET ReadLine()方法,直到它返回 null,这表示到达文件结尾。在循环过程中,我们将读取的行存储到字符串数组中,然后关闭这两个对象。
Dim saveFile As String = "g:\namelist.txt" If File.Exists(saveFile) Then File.Delete(saveFile) End If Dim sw1 As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(saveFile, Fal...
Can anyone teach me on how you can allow vb.net to access a file/folder within a domain group and retrieves it permission setting to determine if the user have access or denied access to a certain folder?thank youAll replies (2)