Vault 87 is a location, situated northwest of Little Lamplight and southwest of Broadcast tower KT8 in the Capital Wasteland in Fallout 3. One of the pre-War Vaults built by the Vault-Tec Corporation, by 2277, it serves as the main stronghold and birthpl
Fallout TV show – Episode 7 & 8 (Season 1 final) Fallout TV show – The real villains Halo – Episode 1 impressions Halo TV show season 2 – some thoughts Halo TV show: Episode 3, season 2 Halo TV show: Episode 4, season 2 – Burning Reach Halo TV show: Episode 5, season 2 ...
电视录像中的避难所监督再讲:When the fighting is stopped and fallout is settled, you must rebuild.(当这一切尘埃落定之后,你们要开始重建这个世界)。 左边的奖状上写着“Outstanding achievement award。in appredation for your comming of and dediction to out”(杰出贡献奖,为了某种XXXX看不清)。大概是主...
When I was in high school, my friend Allen Putman, who was a year older than me, decided that he was going to go off to the University of Kentucky and become a UK cheerleader. The only problem was he had ZERO gymnastics training or ability. So, to remedy that, he decided to take ...
viewers,butwastedaudience–thosewhofalloutsideofthedemographicor interestgroup–isminimal. Printadvertising Therearethreetypesofprintadvertisingmedia–consumermagazines,trade magazinesantionalandlocalnewspapers. Magazineshaveagreatdealtoofferadvertisers,withadsthathavealong shelflife.UnlikewithTV,readerstaketheirtimewith...
Fallout 3 Vault 87, an experiment Vault meant to test the Forced Evolutionary Virus on people Vault 92, an experiment Vault claimed to preserve the best musicians, but white noise was used for mind control Vault 101, the beginning Vault, an experiment for residents to never leave Vault 106,...