↑ Location of Vault 88. ↑ Vault appearance in Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, and Fallout: New Vegas. ↑ Museum of Technology Vault system tour: "Sleep in quiet comfort knowing that our impenetrable Vault doors can withstand a direct hit by an atomic bomb with only a projected 2% failure...
The Vault 76 overseer, known in-game as simply the overseer, is one of the main characters of Fallout 76. She is the former leader and overseer of Vault 76. In 2102, she left the Vault prior to Reclamation Day on a mission from Vault-Tec, leaving her vau
viewers,butwastedaudience–thosewhofalloutsideofthedemographicor interestgroup–isminimal. Printadvertising Therearethreetypesofprintadvertisingmedia–consumermagazines,trade magazinesantionalandlocalnewspapers. Magazineshaveagreatdealtoofferadvertisers,withadsthathavealong shelflife.UnlikewithTV,readerstaketheirtimewith...
For the location, see Vault City. Fallout 2 faction Vault City Emblem Asset Overview Type City-state Governance Council of Citizens Founders Vault 8 dwellers, 2087 Society Leaders Vault 8 overseer (2077-2101)The Council (2101-)First Citizen· Joanne Lynette (2241)· McClure (2242-?)...
A location referred to as Vault-Tec headquarters is mentioned in the Fallout Bible 3 and rulebook to Fallout: The Roleplaying Game.[Non-game 36][Non-game 4] The "Vault-Tec Documentation Department" is mentioned in the Fallout manual and Fallout 4 manual.[Non-game 37][Non-game 38]Gallery...