Date of application申请日期 HMRC Case reference number税局的受理号码,(一般由15个数字和字母组合) 9.If you previously applied to be VAT registered, please tell us if the application was accepted or denied, and the reason we made that decision若您之前注册过VAT,请告知我们申请是否通过以及原因。 10...
The telephone landline number (using the country code from the phone number) As the address the web site asks for, she puts the company head office address (she's guessing and assuming that this is actually the billing address, but she's unsure), her company uses a VPN to access the ...
I, too, have to post a purchase invoice for services from Ireland with VAT Reverse Charge applied and I cannot find the correct VAT code in Desktop Pro so that Boxes 1, 4, 6 and 7of my VAT return are populated as required by HMRC in Notice 700/1...
I, too, have to post a purchase invoice for services from Ireland with VAT Reverse Charge applied and I cannot find the correct VAT code in Desktop Pro so that Boxes 1, 4, 6 and 7of my VAT return are populated as required by HMRC in Notice 700/12 ...
I've followed your advice, BUT there are still no entries in Boxes 1 and 6 as required by the HMRC guidelines. Box 7 increases by the value of my invoice; Box shows no change as there are two entries, one + and one - for the amount of VAT. Chee...
I've followed your advice, BUT there are still no entries in Boxes 1 and 6 as required by the HMRC guidelines. Box 7 increases by the value of my invoice; Box shows no change as there are two entries, one + and one - for the amount of VAT. Cheer...
I've followed your advice, BUT there are still no entries in Boxes 1 and 6 as required by the HMRC guidelines. Box 7 increases by the value of my invoice; Box shows no change as there are two entries, one + and one - for the amount of VAT. Ch...
I've followed your advice, BUT there are still no entries in Boxes 1 and 6 as required by the HMRC guidelines. Box 7 increases by the value of my invoice; Box shows no change as there are two entries, one + and one - for the amount of VAT. Cheer...
I've followed your advice, BUT there are still no entries in Boxes 1 and 6 as required by the HMRC guidelines. Box 7 increases by the value of my invoice; Box shows no change as there are two entries, one + and one - for the amount of VAT. Chee...
I've followed your advice, BUT there are still no entries in Boxes 1 and 6 as required by the HMRC guidelines. Box 7 increases by the value of my invoice; Box shows no change as there are two entries, one + and one - for the amount of VAT. Chee...