You no longer qualify for the flat rate VAT scheme. On the anniversary of your joining, your turnover in the past 12 months exceeded £230,000 (including VAT), or you expect it to be exceeding in the coming 12 months. You expect your total income in the next 30 days alone to surpa...
RentalIncomeReduced2 (08/12) Section B. Output VAT on sales in boxes 05 – 08 LineDescriptionXML file elementLookup result 10Output VAT 25 %MomsUtgHogSalesLiableToVATStandard (05/10) SelfSupplyLiableToVATStandard (06/10) TaxBaseProfitMarginStandard (07/10) ...
Also regarded as capital income are: Gains from selling an asset, any other income that can be attributed to the fact that the taxpayer has owned assets, dividend income, rental income, capital gains, interest income, proceeds from a life insurance contract, the share of profits of an ...
the actual sales revenue can be determined. It is key that, in addition to the proceeds from current business transactions, the calculation also considers advance payments already received, income from rental and leasing, and possible proceeds from the...
The corporate income tax rate is 15% and it also includes a solidarity surcharge, bringing it to 15.825%. To this, a municipal trade tax will also apply, with a value of 14-17%, bringing the final value of the corporate income tax rate to a higher value. The withholding tax on divide...
like legal and audit services rendered to investment funds cannot benefit fromaVATexemptionandaresubject to the 15% standardVATrate. 其它服务,如向投资基金提供的法律 和审计服务,无法享受增值税免税, 须缴纳15%的标准增值税税率。
Added Tax (“VAT”) rate of 0% as according to the VietnameselawonVAT. 就此而言,越南中部樹脂 毋須繳納進出口稅項,及根據越南增值稅法,出口銷售的增值稅(「增值稅」)稅率為 0%。 SuchVATrefunds were approved ...
Holding Group at a price of RMB0.50 per kWh (including VAT at the rate of 17%) or the price at which a power plant in Shandong [...] 據此,本公司 有權自二零零八年三月十八日起至二零一零年十二月三十一日止向集團公司供應超出本集團實際所 需耗用的電力。由本公司向集團公司供應...
As indicated in table IS2.1 of Income section 2, the estimated increase for 2012-2013is duemainly to the projected increase under rental of premises ($12,417,900), partially offset by projected decreases under bank interest ($387,300) and miscellaneous income ($189,900). ...
The amount of interest to be paid for tax evasion is based on the amount evaded. This amount is multiplied by an interest rate of 0.5 percent for each month (6 percent for each year currently) according to General Fiscal Code (AO) that the taxes were evaded. The interest run, on the ...