VAT Vakuumventile AG 气密门控制器操作说明书 Series 09.1, DN 63, 80, 100, 160 (I.D. 21/2”- 6”) VAT Vakuumventile AG, CH-9469 Haag, Switzerland 281903EA 2009-12-04 1/14 HV Gate Valve with maual actuator This manual is valid for the valve ordering number(s):09136-CE01-…....
VAT 26.5 High Vacuum Inline Valve - Variable to Adapts to Any Requirement. Applications, performance features, vacuum valve configurations and design options.
Gate valves, pendulum valves, Butterfly valves ultra high vaccum valve 010 series gatemanualpneumatic ultra high vaccum valve 108 series high-vacuum valve 110 series ultra high vaccum valve152 series gatepneumaticisolation gate valve 190 series ...
The 16.2 HV Pendulum Isolation Valve provides reliable isolation performance combined with low particle count and low particle activation. The excellent particle performance is achieved by an exceptionally smooth opening and closing motion. It is ideal for isolation requirements in harsh processes such as...
还在用瑞士VAT社的..自主改造VAT社的 Pendulum Valve,无需使用润滑剂既能运转。VAT 问题点:长期在高温环境下。润滑剂会硬化,O-Ring磨损 发生大量粉尘我司改造品:无需使用 润滑剂,Actuator
VAT Vacuum Pendulum Control Valve 65048-JHHH-AQY4 回首頁> 產品項目> Valve> VAT Vacuum Pendulum Control Valve 65048-JHHH-AQY4 點擊圖片放大 商品名稱: VAT Vacuum Pendulum Control Valve 65048-JHHH-AQY4 詳細介紹:
VAT65046-PA52 Pendulum Control Valve RPSC VALVE Chiller Driver & Motor 二手產品 電子元件 真空閥件 Controller RPSC HOME/ 產品介紹 返回列表
Transfer valve MONOVAT direct 6 Pages Pendulum valve control system 7 Pages Butterfly valve control system 7 Pages Gate valve with 3-position actuator 10 Pages All-metal gate valve 8 Pages Vatterfly valve extended body (manual actuator)
SHIMADZU分子泵维修 Shimadzu Turbo Molecular Pump TMP-4304LMTC Vat Pendulum Valve 产品详情 分享到: 上一个 下一个 编号:SHIMADZU分子泵 品牌:SHIMADZU分子泵维修 产品详情