Revenueisshown net of value-added tax(“VAT”),returns, rebates and discounts and after eliminating sales within the Group. 收益於扣除增值稅、退貨、回扣及折 扣以 及 抵銷 本 集團 內部 銷售 後 列賬。 ...
value added tax(“VAT”)rebates on lowgrade cement products that use recycled industrial waste as a production input. 本集團於農村市場的穩定份額使得其 能從對使用循環再用工業廢料作為生產材料的低標號水泥 持續實施的增值稅(「增值稅」)退稅政策中得益。
1. The cross-border refund system enables a business that incurs VAT on expenditure in a Member State where it is not established and makes no supplies to recover that VAT directly from that Member State (the Member State of Refund - MSR). The current system, known as the 8th VAT Directi...
Airtime Invoice: France TVA (19.6%) will be applied on the advertising cost unless the advertiser is able to providetheVAT RegistrationNumber. 廣告收費 (Airtime Invoice) :法國 附加 稅 (TVA) 為 19.6% ...
Procomm - along with more than 300 similar businesses - had been caught up in an antifraud regime launched by Paymaster General Dawn Primarolo against socalled carousel fraudsters (see right).To stop criminals falsely claiming VAT rebates on goods that are moved back and forth across UK ...
value added tax(“VAT”)rebates on lowgrade cement products that use recycled industrial waste as a production input. 本集團於農村市場的穩定份額使得其 能從對使用循環再用工業廢料作為生產材料的低標號水泥 持續實施的增值稅(「增值稅」)退稅政策中得益。
rebates. This is a major handicap for the tax system and reduces its productivity considerably. In a desperate effort to cope with this law-abiding flood, tax authorities have resorted to longer periods of reporting (instead of monthly). Some of them (in the UK, for one) allow annual VAT...
“Export rebates receivable” is used to record export tax refunds received by a taxpayer for export of goods, including VAT, exercise tax, and other taxes refunds. The end-of-period debit balance of this item reflects the tax refundable which has not been received. The accounting treatment of...
This popular book, fully updated with all recent tax changes and amendments, details all taxes in China affecting businesses and individuals, how to calculate the amounts due, tax registration and filing procedures, tax minimization techniques, and claiming VAT rebates. It also details good financial...
We confirm that smaller firms are much less likely to claim their inputs than larger ones, thus effectively foregoing the possibility to benefit from tax rebates. As a result, they also face a higher effective tax burden than larger firms. Our survey data lend some support to the idea that...