Find the first unique record in table TCURR with below conditions The ‘Date As of Which the Exchange Rate Is Effective’ in table TCURR(TCURR- GDATU) is the latest one of the values which before the date of ZLXJTA- WSDAT TCURR- KURST = ‘M’ Get the rate ( tcurr-UKURS) in the ...
A tax identification number (TIN) is a special string of numbers assigned to every taxpayer in the Philippines. It is a 12-digit number, with the first nine numbers are the TIN itself, and the last three numbers are the branch code. If you're a corporation, your first number will start...
Solved: Hi All, I Am Trying to configure VAT,Service tax number, CST number in Company code settings. but there is no specific field in the system. in OBY6 i maintain
SAP J_3RTSE Table Fields Here is the details of each fields in this SAP table. You can find the discription, data type and assigned lenth of each of the fields in J_3RTSE table. MANDT : ClientIts a key field. Its data type is CLNT (Character with length 3) with field length 3...
Select the value of fields RSEG-LFBNRfrom table RSEG with the condition RSEG-BELNR= ZLXJTA-REFDOCNRand RSEG-GJAHR= ZLXJTA-REFRYEARand RSEG-LFBNR in the selection screen field RSEG-LFBNR. Add the value of RSEG-LFBNR to the corresponding line of the data of stepbefore. Find the first uni...
the Vat registration number is Hidden in Genil Layer stored in table DFKKBPTAXNUM and can be update Via:CVIS_EI_VAT_DATA,I am not sure how..If I get any thing I willrevert back to you. former_member206605 Active Contributor 2015 Apr 28 0 Kudos Thanks Shankar. I will also...
So as per your requirement From the Table VBRK select field KNUMV by given the billing document number in VBELN filed from VBRK u will get KNUMV number with that number from table KONV select the KBETR and WAERS fileds for tax amount and currency also give the Condition which is indicatin...
SAP Managed Tags: SD (Sales and Distribution) Hi Gurus, When we are trying to upload the customer master data, while entering the VAT No it is saying the following error: ISO code 57 is not correct in the VAT registration number Message no. AR191 Could some body help me out. regar...
Total integer Total number of calls. Used quotas.grace.used integer Used number of calls. Remaining quotas.grace.remaining integer Remaining number of calls.Validate VATOperation ID: Validate Validates any given vat number and returns its validity and company information. Parameters...
This property controls the maximum size that the pool is allowed to reach, including both idle and in-use connections. Basically this value will determine the maximum number of actual connections to the database backend. A reasonable value for this is best determined by your execution environment...