a. 内容描述必须使用英文,并附上发货人或其授权代表的签名; 不得申报为“Proforma Invoice”,形式将会导致清关延误 。 沙特海外仓狗防水靴小包是一款针对狗的实用配件,它可以非常有效地保护您的狗免受多种天气和环境的影响。这个小包包含一双优质的狗用防水靴,为狗爪提供准确地保护,防止狗爪和脚掌遭受伤害或感染...
If this change happens during an invoice period (where there would be one invoice including both reverse charge and normal VAT rules), the supplier can opt to change to the new treatment for the entire invoice period or wait until the next invoice period before changing to the new...
Return Value Type:boolean true if the VAT tax agent charge source is correct; otherwise, false. FormletterJournalCreate Class