VAST Data Ceres DNodes 将高达 675TB 的 QLC 闪存(数据压缩前)和 6.4TB 的 SCM 与四个 NVIDIA BlueField DPU 相结合,在 800U 机箱中提供高达 1Gb/s 的连接速度。 这可以通过切断中间人(在本例中是 x86 服务器)并将其替换为 PCIe 交换结构以将 22 个 E1.L 和 8 个 U.2 SSD 直接链接到...
我从网上找到了一张3年前的VAST Data Ceres Data Nodes(Dbox)示意图,其中除了22个E1.L SSD和8个NVRAM盘(就是SCM SSD)之外,2个HA的Canister连接控制部分,主要就是用PCIe Switch加上DPU(这里是NV的BF系列)。 扩展阅读:《NVMe-oF存储扩展:EBOF、FBOF、EBOD生态详解》 由于VAST合作的硬件厂商不只一家,下面给...
VAST Data 宣布發布其最新的通用存儲軟件平台,該平台可解決安全、可持續的超大規模數據基礎架構,並包括 Ceres DBox 支持下一代 NVMe 外殼,繼續利用 NVIDIA 的 BlueField DPU。 我們涵蓋了VAST Data 的 Ceres 發布今年早些時候有非常詳細的介紹。 Universal Storage 軟件建立在 VAST Data 的分解和共享一切 (DASE) 架...
存储人视角:人工智能AI + 大模型 AI训练存储基座之一:深度学习(AI)中的io模式及性能优化 AI训练存储基座之二:fuse文件系统开发实践及性能优化 AI训练存储基座之三:颠覆性的分布式存储系统Vast Data AI训练存储…
Enabled by VAST Data’s disaggregated, shared-everything architecture (DASE), Ceres is being qualified as a data platform foundation for a turnkey AI data center with NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD Designed by VAST and industry partners to advance storage into the modern AI era, Ceres ...
At this past Storage Field Day, VAST Data presented their next-gen storage platform, Ceres. Sulagna Saha, writing for Gestalt IT, discusses how this platform is designed to radically improve the present-day storage architecture and deliver superior performance, scalability, and cost economics. Check...
·Enabled by VAST Data’s disaggregated, shared-everything architecture (DASE), Ceres is being qualified as a data platform foundation for a turnkey AI data center with NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD Designed by VAST and industry partners to advance storage into the modern AI era, Ceres...
Ceres has generated an extraordinary amount of interest in the industry. VAST Data has received a huge response, with some of the industry’s biggest organizations choosing this new platform. It goes without saying that Ceres is way more than just an interesting concept that when adopted can lea...
VAST Data, Inc. announced support for a next-gen storage platform concept called Ceres. Enabled by the company’s Universal Storage data platform, Ceres is built leveraging hardware technologies including Nvidia BlueField DPUs and ruler-based hyperscale SSDs that improve ...
The Nvidia-VAST relationship dates back to 2016, VAST says, with original development of its disaggregated, shared-everything (DASE) architecture. VAST supports Nvidia’sGPUDirectstorage access protocol and also its BlueField DPUs. VAST’sCeresdata enclosure includes four BlueField DPUs. ...