当你在bash命令行中遇到“vaspkit: command not found”的错误时,这通常意味着vaspkit程序没有正确安装在你的系统上,或者它的可执行文件没有添加到你的PATH环境变量中。下面我将分点详细说明如何解决这个问题: 确认vaspkit是否已正确安装: 首先,你需要确认vaspkit是否已经安装在你的系统上。你可以尝试在文件系统中搜...
2. If the following problem occurs, your LINUX dependent library version is too low and needs to be upgraded (not recommended), you can contact the developer to get the version compiled in the low version LINUX environment. vaspkit: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (requi...
The content is NOT guaranteed to be scientifically accurate and certified/peer-reviewed and the researchers should use the suggestions at their own responsibility.Quick Start Ways to Run vaspkit There are at lease five ways to run vaspkit under either the interactive user interface or command ...
5-9 STOP BANDSTYLE NOT IMPLEMENTED大佬们这个怎么解决,运行时候没有需要的输出文件 渔舟唱唱晚 2-23 请问怎么计算方向相关的塞贝克系数呀 抛瓦人帕瓦 2022-11-21 请问up主,出现bash:x_ trans:command not found是什么原因呢 bili_66341058550 :找到解决方法了吗 宅名乃肥 :你没有把x_trans写入环境变...
It is useful not only for studying the details of the system but also to obtain accurate values for the macroscopic quantities such as the potential energy and pressure. This quantity can be obtained by summing the number of atoms found at a given distance in all directions from a particular...
(4th order-spline interpolation), or FFT available only for 2D and 3D grids (default method: 'cubic') AUTO_SUBMIT_JOB = .FALSE. # .TRUE. or .FALSE. (default: .FASLE.). Whether to auto-submit vaspkit or vasp job or not. SUBMIT_JOB_COMMAND = 'qsub job.sh' # The command line to...