NCORE=4 NELM= 60 NELMIN=4 ISYM=0 NELMDL=-3 EDIFF=1E-7 ENCUT=500 IALGO=38 ADDGRID=True LREAL=.F. NSW=0 #注意这里和 DFPT 方法不同 IBRION=-1 #还有这里 EDIFFG=-1E-7 ISMEAR=0 SIGMA=0.01 ②扩胞: ~/ sow a b c -d 其中~是家目录的意思,这里把Thirdorder目录里面的...
IBRION = 8 (To get the ionic contribution to the macroscopic dielectric tensor) NCORE =number of cores / NPAR NPAR =number of cores / NCORE NCORE只能设置为1,NPAR只能设置为总核数,否则报错: --- | | | EEEEEEE RRRRRR RRRRRR OOOOOOO RRRRRR ### ### ### | | E R R R R O O R ...
ibrion = 8 (determines the hessian matrix using dfpt)ediff = 1e-08 (scf energy conv...
PSSS. 大体系计算(160个原子,250个原子),不论是DFPT计算,还是有限位移法,都是非常消耗内存的...