Varus or valgus deformity of the knee was treated with a short leg corrective brace in seven young children (one boy and six girls) with rickets. The brace has an upright medially and a pad for counterpush laterally for correction of varus, and vice versa arrangement for correction of ...
Noun1.varus- a deformity in which part of a limb is turned inward to an abnormal degree deformity,malformation,misshapenness- an affliction in which some part of the body is misshapen or malformed valgus- a deformity in which there is an abnormal displacement of part of a limb away from th...
Soft tissue management in knees with varus deformity Computer-assisted sequential medial ligament release. Orthopade 2005 ; 34:1118-24.Luring C, Hufner T, Perlick L, Bathis H, Krettek C, Grifka J. [Soft tissue ma- nagement in knees with varus deformity Computer-assisted sequential medial ...
Alternatively, varus deformity can be correctable with application of a valgus force. It is important to distinguish these two, as treatment options differ. The approach to evaluation and management of varus deformed knees is similar to other manifestations of osteoarthritis; however, varus knees ...
Genu varus (bowlegs) and genu valgus (knock knees) are very common bone deformities among children but their cause is spontaneous. How to straighten bowlegs without surgery There was mild genu varus deformity and a modeling deformity of bones around the knee joints. Acrodysostosis--a rare skele...
Proximal tibial osteotomy for osteoarthritis with varus deformity. A 10-13 year follow-up study. J Bone Joint Surg Am High tibial osteotomy and ligament reconstruction for varus angulated anterior cruciate ligament-deficient knees. The anterior cruciate ligament-deficient knee with varus alignment. An ...
MRI is the advanced modality most used in the evaluation of Blount disease. A characteristic finding is a sloped or stair-like deformity of the medial physis.221Other findings that have been described include: delayed medial epiphyseal ossification with cartilaginous enlargement compensating for metaphyse...
To our knowledge, this is the first register-based study analyzing the prevalence of coronal foot deformities in children with CP. A majority of the children with CP had a valgus foot deformity. Valgus was associated with higher GMFCS levels and younger age. Equinus was identified in ~ 10...
The results in ninety-three knees that had been treated by proximal tibial opening-wedge osteotomy for varus deformity and osteoarthritis of the medial compartment were evaluated after a mean length of follow-up of 11.5 years (range, ten... ...
Medial capsular recession is an effective method of correcting preoperative fixed varus knee deformities at the time of total knee arthroplasty. If the flexion and extension spaces are properly balanced and filled, knee stability is achievable. Sixty-eight knees that had medial capsular recession were...