If you fill in any of our questionnaires (including the standard VARK Questionnaire, the VARK Questionnaire for Younger People, the VARK Questionnaire for Athletes, the VARK Questionnaire for Teachers and Trainers, and the VARK Strategies Questionnaire), we use your answers to the questionnaire to ...
How many people complete the questionnaire online each month and year? Is there a difference in the learning preferences between younger and older people? Could VARK preferences affect my relationships at work and home? What about VARK and Myers-Briggs, Kolb and Multiple Intelligences? What is ...
Do people actually use the recommended strategies for their learning style? TheVARK Strategies Questionnaireis a companion to theVARK Questionnaire. While theVARK Questionnaireis used to identify which modalities someonePREFERSwhen learning, theStrategies Questionnaireasks them about the study strategies that...