In order to add the driver to Exasol log into your EXAOperations, select the 'Software', then 'JDBC Drivers'-Tab. Click Add then specify the following details: Driver Name:SAP Main Prefix:jdbc:sap: Disable Security Manager:Check this box ...
ORMLite JDBC functionality that works with JDBC drivers to attach to various database types - j256/ormlite-jdbc
and (2) that behavior will very likely be required for drivers JDBC-post-4.0. Mark Matthews Consulting Member Technical Staff - MySQL Enterprise Tools Oracle Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed....
For example: [23, "Saturn", java.sql.Connection@li734s] can be considered a tuple of three elements (a triplet) containing an Integer, a String, and a JDBC Connection object. License: Apache 2. Immutables - Java annotation processors to generate simple, safe and consistent value objects...
JdbcMapper is currently built and tested using travis-ci on every version of Java 6 to 16, and against all databases/drivers that could be found, currentlyMariaDB(MySQL),PostgreSQL,Oracle,MS-SQL,SQLite,H2,hsqldb, andderby. Itshouldwork on any database with a JDBC compliant API, or even ...
Supported JDBC drivers (DB2, Postgres, MySQL, MSSQL and Oracle currently supported). Direct Postgres connections (e.g., no pgBouncer). Date/Timestamps compared only to the second (format: DDMMYYYYHH24MISS). Unsupported data types: blob, long, longraw, bytea. ...