A study of the productivity of various species of grasses and clover/grass mixtures in a long-term experimentKulich, JMorhac, P
Neither virus was detected in eight out of thirteen species of trees and shrubs although four were good hosts for the nematode. Galling or distortion of the terminal region of fine feeder roots, associated with X. diversicaudatum feeding, was seen on many of the experimental plants. 展开 ...
Loss of grasses could push out species such as wildebeest(利物浦大学的生态学家詹姆斯•R•普罗伯特说:“这是生态系统的重要组成部分。燃烧可以让草领先生长,防止高大的灌木丛占据土地。草的消失可能会导致像牛羚这样的物种灭绝)可知,燃烧可以给草的生长留出空间。如果不长草了会导致像牛羚这样的物种灭绝。因此...
Probert. Bu ning allows grasses to tak e th e le a d by keepin a taller bushes from occupying th e land. Loss of grasses coul d push out species such as wil debeest(生羚), which ar e famous for their s plendi d annual migration. A decad e ago researchers put decreasing f ...
The objective of this study was to evaluate the adaptability of introducing and restoring forage grass species on the Hongyuan prairie in response to temperature changes. Based on the analysis of photosynthetic parameters such as PN, GS, CI, Vcmax, Jmax, Fv/Fm, Fv′/Fm′, qP, and ΦPSII ...
significanttimeandresources might be needed to finalize a worldwide standard in view of the wide rangeofvarietiesofpomegranate cultivatedinvariousregions. codexalimentarius.org codexalimentarius.org 有代表团还指出,由于石榴品种繁多并在不同地区种植,因此确定一个全球标准需要大 量的时间和资源。
The present experiment was conducted on medium deep silty loam soil to study the effect of rain water conservation techniques on growth of multipurpose tree species (MPTS) in terms of height and collar diameter. The experiment was conducted during the year 2012-2014 on AEEC Farm, Dr. Panjabrao...
Bolletta AI (2007) Perennial grasses of different successional stages under various soil water regimes: Do they differ in root length density? Interciencia - CA () Citation Context ...h lower root length densitysare more dependent on mycorrhizal colonization for resource acquisition than species ...
Taxonomy is the science of naming and classifying living organisms based on their morphological, genetic, and biochemical characteristics. It also focuses on identifying both the similarities and differences between species. 4. Pathology (Greek pathos = “suffering”, and ology=”study of”) ...
aEffects of the secondary metabolites from the above scrub species and their degradation products upon the germination and radicle growth of little bluestem ( Schizachyrium scoparium ) and green sprangletop ( Leptochloa dubia ), two native grasses of the Florida sandhill community, were determined....