a.Something that is distinguished from others of the same kind by a specific characteristic or set of characteristics:varieties of minerals; varieties of socialism. b.A form of a language that is used by a specific social group and differs from forms used by other social groups:regional varieti...
The present paper contains detailed information about the definitions of Pidgins, Creoles, and Lingua Francas. The similarities and the differences between these language varieties are provided with examples and studied thoroughly. Pidgins and Creoles are not important to people who use them but they ...
Currently, the BBC is showing one of the most popular soaps set in this region, "East Enders" and the characters’ accents and lives within this television program provide wonderful opportunities for observers of language and culture. The most striking features of Cockney are: r is pronounced ...
Linguists use two criteria to identify languages – 1) a language is considered to be a collection of speechvarietiesthatare mutually intelligible, and 2) group self identification: if two groups of people see themselves as different people, two distinct language should be recognised (UNESCO-UIS,...
13-Varieties of English VarietiesofEnglish AmericanEnglish Officiallanguagestatusofstatesandterritories.1.DarkBlue:Englishisofficiallanguage2.Brown:Twoormoreofficiallanguages3.Blue:Noofficiallanguage;Englishisdefactolanguage4.Pink:Noofficiallanguage;multipledefactolanguages AmericanEnglish(...
It also introduces some terminology central to a later discussion. It distinguishes among four varieties of quotation: pure, direct, indirect, and mixed.doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199231195.003.0002H. CappelenE. LeporeLanguage Turned on Itself
This volume is a selection of papers read at the second international conference of the Society of Historical English Language and Linguistics (SHELL) held at Nagoya University, Japan, in September 2007, under the auspices of the Graduat... 天野 政千代,小倉 美知子,大門 正幸 - P. Lang 被引...
Varietiesoflanguage1.Dialects(方言变体):Regionaldialects(地域方言)Sociolects(社会方言)Languageandgender LanguageandageIdiolect(个人语言)Ethnicdialect(种族方言)2.Register(语域)3.Degreeofformality(正式程度)Regionaldialects(地域方言)It isalinguisticvarietyusedbypeoplelivinginthe...
Speakers gain such understanding through long term experience of language and life. While Linguists may not be able to have all that experience themselves, they can ask questions and value the experience of those who use language every day, the same way a statistician in Vegas, working out ...
languagewillvaryinappropriatenessaccordingtothesocialcontext:theoccasion,thenumberofhearers,andthe role-relationshipadoptedbytheaddresserandtheaddresseeinagivensituation.Generallyspeaking,wecandividelanguageintoformallanguageandinformallanguage,withcommoncorein between,e.g.offspring,child,andkid.1)Feelingtried,johnwent...