Natural Remedies for Varicose Veins - Nutritional Supplements Vitamin C: Vitamin C is important for healthy vein walls. Recommended dosage is 500 to 1000 mg two to three times per day. Vitamin E: Vitamin E is a natural blood thinner which promotes blood flow and reduce inflammation of the ve...
Vitamin C will also be beneficial in your protocol. These supplements will help strengthen the integrity of the capillaries, reduce inflammation and aid in healing. This Entry To Your CureZone Favorites!
During recent years, practically every report concerning the treatment of varicose veins has emphasized the importance of a proper high ligation of the long saphenous vein. This implies that the long saphenous vein is ligated flush with the femoral vein after all of its adjacent branches are ligate...
Supplements that promote vein strength and integrity can be beneficial for individuals susceptible to CVI. Flavonoids (rutin) and horse chestnut extract show the most promise for helping to control the symptoms of CVI. Other vein strengthening supplements that may also be helpful include butcher’s b...