esophagus malformation 食管畸形 varices and hyperemia of the bulbar conjunctiva 赤脉紫胀盘虬 varices of fundus of stomach 胃底静脉曲张 相似单词 varices varix的复数形 esophagus n. 食道 mega esophagus 巨食管症,巨食管症 megalo esophagus 巨食管症,巨食管症 最新...
Diseases of the ChestMann J, Rydzak E: Pseudo-downhill Varices of the Esophagus. [Annual Supplement of Abstracts: Southern Medical Associ- ation's 98th Annual Scientific Assembly: Oral Presentation Abstracts: Abstracts of Scientific Papers: Section on Internal Medicine]. 2004....
... B、varices of esophagus( 食管静脉曲张) C、peptic ulcer( 消化性溃疡) ...|基于2个网页 例句 释义: 全部,食管静脉曲张 更多例句筛选 1. Objective To study the curative therapy of varices of esophagus and fundus of stomach. 目的探讨食管胃底静脉曲张的有效治疗方法。 www.ceps....
The therapy of hematemesis due to bleeding varicosities of the esophagus has been unsatisfactory. The various methods heretofore recommended for the
Following the endoscopic injection (EIS) of , radiographic procedures heretofore have played a minimal role in the dynamic assessment of structural and physiological alterations of the esophagus. This study includes a control esophagogram of each patient before any treatment. Esophageal studies were perfo...
Adj.1.esophageal- relating to the esophagus Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: e·soph·a·ge·al a.esofágico-a, rel. al esófago; ...
Bleeding varices are most common in the caudal portion of the esophagus; however, a discrete bleeding site is usually difficult to identify pathologically. Varices tend to collapse at the time of autopsy, and thus are best diagnosed endoscopically. In autopsy specimens, eversion andformalin fixation...
食管静脉曲张症 〖HT5”SS〗varicosis veins of the esophagus 由于门静脉系统中血液受阻,血液淤滞和压力增高,大量静脉血经过侧支循环,其中包括食管下段的黏膜下静脉。后者曲张,易破裂而致出血。临床表现呕血、脾脏肿大、脾功能亢进和腹水等症状。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。参考...
After years of effort, the treatment of an episode of bleeding from a ruptured varix remains unsatisfactory, as does prophylaxis of rebleeding. As a consequence it was logical to try to prevent bleeding before the first hemorrhage has occurred (primary prophylaxis). Shunt surgery proved to be us...
One of the five cases had red color (RC)-positive recurrent varices located in the middle esophagus and was admitted to our hospital with hematemesis. In such cases, where the recurrent varices show a high-risk sign, rupture is probable....