GIT_GLOB_PATHSPECSandGIT_NOGLOB_PATHSPECScontrol the default behavior of wildcards in pathspecs. IfGIT_GLOB_PATHSPECSis set to 1, wildcard characters act as wildcards (which is the default); ifGIT_NOGLOB_PATHSPECSis set to 1, wildcard characters only match themselves, meaning something like*....
GIT_GLOB_PATHSPECSandGIT_NOGLOB_PATHSPECScontrol the default behavior of wildcards in pathspecs. IfGIT_GLOB_PATHSPECSis set to 1, wildcard characters act as wildcards (which is the default); ifGIT_NOGLOB_PATHSPECSis set to 1, wildcard characters only match themselves, meaning something like*....
GIT_GLOB_PATHSPECSandGIT_NOGLOB_PATHSPECScontrol the default behavior of wildcards in pathspecs. IfGIT_GLOB_PATHSPECSis set to 1, wildcard characters act as wildcards (which is the default); ifGIT_NOGLOB_PATHSPECSis set to 1, wildcard characters only match themselves, meaning something like*....
GIT_GLOB_PATHSPECSandGIT_NOGLOB_PATHSPECScontrol the default behavior of wildcards in pathspecs. IfGIT_GLOB_PATHSPECSis set to 1, wildcard characters act as wildcards (which is the default); ifGIT_NOGLOB_PATHSPECSis set to 1, wildcard characters only match themselves, meaning something like*....
ifGIT_NOGLOB_PATHSPECSis set to 1, wildcard characters only match themselves, meaning something like*.cwould only match a filenamed“\*.c”, rather than any file whose name ends with.c. You can override this in individual cases by starting the pathspec with:(glob)or:(literal), as in:...
ifGIT_NOGLOB_PATHSPECSis set to 1, wildcard characters only match themselves, meaning something like*.cwould only match a filenamed“*.c”, rather than any file whose name ends with.c. You can override this in individual cases by starting the pathspec with:(glob)or:(literal), as in:(...