Independent measures of grade level, age, sex, and grades in the subjects of German, math, and natural science were acquired to control for potential biases and showed no significant differences among the two experimental groups [grade level: F(1, 163) = .00, p = .969; age F(1, 161)...
Soyibo, K., and J. Pinnock. 2005. "Correlations among Six Learner Variables and the Performance of a Sample of Jamaican Eleventh-graders on an Achievement Test on Respiration." International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 3 (2): 239-265. doi:10.1007/s10763-004-7155-8....
analysis of concomitant variables. Though educational science addresses the DC issue with numerous definitions, concepts and research desiderata (e.g., Janssen et al.2013; Spante et al.2018), the path to developmental psychology has yet to be trodden. This observation also holds true for evaluate...
The Effect of Learner's Learning Style Based Instructional Strategy on Science Achievement of Secondary School Students The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of some personal characteristics such as age, gender of the secondary school students on their learnin... KD Gohel 被引量:...
Six components were retained in each case. Factors for each of the first-to fifth-grades were orthogonally rotated to make them as similar to the sixth-grade factors as possible. In terms of the factor loadings, no meaningful differentiation was found in most rating variables, but a slight ...
For example, optimism is likely to be experienced when students believe that they will accomplish a desirable future goal, like getting an A in a math course, but do not know how the good grade will come about. This feeling of optimism changes to hope when those students envision a pathway...
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