At the time the support for producing Apple Silicon builds was added to the workflow (#2245), use ofGitHub-hostedApple Silicon runner machines was charged by the minute (whileuse of the other runners is free). In order to avoid excessive expenses, the workflow was configured so that the Ap...
100% compatible with Arduino IDE (Tools > Board > Arduino Pro (5V, 16MHz) w/ ATMEGA328) Microcontroller: ATMEGA328 Low Power Consumption Operating Voltage: 2 - 5V Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output) Analog Input Pins: 6 Flash Memory: 32KB of which 2 KB is...
This is not a major show-stopper, since the database value I write x to in the next step, is NULL by default - most of the time! So I need the ability to write NULL to it. If that was not the case, I would have been able to work around this by catching exceptions, I thin...
Using the Arduino Nano and silicon LABS platforms; Bluetooth transmission with the HC-05 module in board mode was incorporated. The software to receive and display the signal was the Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) with its add-ons, Serial Monitor, communication (COM) ports, and...