Kit; Variable temp. heat gun; reflectornozzle; spreader nozzle; HD Case, SV803声明:图片仅供参考,请以实物为准! 制造商: Steinel 制造商产品编号: 34104 仓库库存编号: 70027044 技术数据表: Datasheet 订购热线: 400-900-3095 0755-21000796, QQ:800152669, 由于产品数据库庞大,...
The far outliers produced in pterromduscoefdaibnsotelrumtespoefracbesnotlaugte eprerrocrenbtyagaelmerorsotrabllytahlemmosetthaloldths ecamnebtheoedxspclaninbeed ebxyptlahienepdrebsyenthce of temppreesreantcuereofvtaelmuepse,rwathuircehvarlueecsl,owsehtiochzaereo.close to zero. FigFuigreur1e...
Magnetic Properties Magnetization versus applied magnetic field hysteresis loops (M-H) were measured at several tempMeraatgunreetivzaaltuioens,v2e,r5s0u,s1a0p0p, l2i0e0d, manadgn3e0t0icKfi.eIlnd ehaycshtelroeospisclyocolpes, t(hMe-Hm)agwneerteizmateiaosnuwreadsartesceovrdereadl wtehmil...
Thus, pl and pr are the gas pressures at the left and right ends of the piston, respectively, which function with the displacement x and the ambient temperature Temp. In the same use scenario, the temperature of the muscle working environment does not change dramatically. In addition, the ...