1.Research on ComGIS-based prescription recommend system for variable-rate fertilization in precision agriculture;基于ComGIS的精准农业变量施肥处方推荐系统研究 2.Simulation system for the influence of management zone size on variable-rate fertilization;基于GIS的变量施肥尺度效应模拟系统 3.Decision making meth...
And it was therefore decided on how to prescribe for thevariable fertilizationof spring seeding soybeans in 2003. 2002 年秋对黑龙江省友谊农场精准农业试验区进行土壤采样,测定土壤肥力指标,并据此确定 2003 年春播大豆的变量施肥处方。 更多例句>> ...
The seeding rate of individual plants in single sowings was based on variety recommendations. However, the intercropping was established according to the scheme of 25 + 75%, 50 + 50% and 75 + 25% of the respective components in the sowing. Sowing was carried out in two separate passes: ...