qmakeadds the values of this variable as compiler C preprocessor macros (-D option). For example: DEFINES += USE_MY_STUFF QT_DLL DEF_FILE This is only used on Windows when using theapptemplate, and on Symbian when building a shared DLL. Specifies a.deffile to be included in the projec...
project files, or at the command line. When qmake is run, it looks for a file called.qmake.cachein parent directories of the current directory, unless you specify-nocache. If qmake fails to find this file, it will silently ignore this step of processing. ...
A complete path to a directory containing a qmake.conf file. In this case qmake will open the qmake.conf file from within that directory. If the file does not exist, qmake will exit with an error. The name of a platform-compiler combination. In this case, ...
ISSUE TYPE Bug Report COMPONENT NAME C:/Qt/5.9/mingw53_32/mkspecs/features/toolchain.prf:76: Variable QMAKE_DEFAULT_INCDIRS is not defined. C:/Qt/5.9/mingw53_32/mkspecs/features/toolchain.prf:129: Variable QMAKE_CXX.COMPILER_MACROS is no...