IAR编译器一个警告信息-Warning[Pe550]: variable “变量” was set but never used 2010-12-30 14:55 一般我们开始学习使用一门语言或者一个新的编译器的时候,都会先写的些非常简单的程序去体验一下。比如C语言: int main(void) { int a=1,b=2; int c; c=a+b; return 0... ...
variable l was set but never used http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_62bae3b90100u1dj.html variable"l"wassetbutneverused(2011-05-1009:49:05)转载▼标签:杂谈 Warning[Pe550]:variable"xxxx"wassetbutneverused 如: voidfx(void) { UINT8i; i=p; ... } 定义局部变量,就会报...
1.warning: #550-D: variable "d" was set but never used 描述:变量'd'定义但从未使用,或者是,虽然这个变量你使用了,但编译器认为变量d所在的语句没有意义,编译器把它优化了. 解决:仔细衡量所定义的变量d是否有用,若是认定变量d所在语句有意义,那么尝试用volatile关键字修饰变量d,若是真的没有用,那么删除...
定义了变量key,使用key的代码为:key = SPI2_ReadWriteByte(0x00);执行函数并将函数返回值赋值给key,没有使用这个返回。比如 int b=a;从a中读取数据负值给b.其实,我是感觉声明和负值的地方离那么远很奇怪。反正循环里面又不用,为什么不到负值的时候才声明。
这个提示挺多的 一般都是定义了变量 但是没用使用过
realview arm 编译器warning #550-D: variable “d” was set but never used 描述: 变量’d’定义但从未使用,或者是,虽然这个变量你使用了,但编译器认为变量d所在的语句没有意义,编译器把它优化了. 使用RealView的amrcc编译器时遇到了这个警告,本想设置个临时变量存储一个结果,然后在调试器中查看。开始没有注...
and the TI eCAP pdf (SPRUFZ8A May 2009) for help. I've added the below code to my main.c code. The code compiles but the it gives me 2 warnings: "#552-D variable "capPeriod1" was set but never used". I also can't set a breakpoint here. When I try I get the following ...
a" was set but never used,且赋值语句没执行。程序如下:void main(void) { int a;a=100;} ...
PE_array : for PE_index in 0 to num_PEs - 1 generate -- a processing element PE : entity work.processor(behavioral) port map ( … ); -- and its attached level-2 cache L2_cache : entity work.cache(behavioral) port map ( … ); ...
Private variables have the same names as global variables but hold different values in each thread, commonly used for index variables in parallel programming. AI generated definition based on: High Performance Computing, 2018 About this pageSet alert Also in subject area: EngineeringDiscover other ...