This is an optional property and if not provided, the state will be Active by default. Overrides: AppendVariableActivity.withState(ActivityState state) Parameters: state withUserProperties public AppendVariableActivity withUserProperties(List userProperties) Set the userProperties property: Activity user...
Informatica Data Management IoT Key Vault Kubernetes Configuration Lab Services Language Understanding Load Testing Log Analytics Machine Learning Maintenance Managed Network Fabric Managed Service Identity Maps Media Services Metrics Advisor Mixed Reality Mobile Network Monitor MySQL NetApp Files Network Network ...
This is an optional property and if not provided, the state will be Active by default. Overrides: AppendVariableActivity.withState(ActivityState state) Parameters: state withUserProperties public AppendVariableActivity withUserProperties(List userProperties) Set the userProperties property: Activity user...
This is an optional property and if not provided, the state will be Active by default. Overrides: AppendVariableActivity.withState(ActivityState state) Parameters: state withUserProperties public AppendVariableActivity withUserProperties(List userProperties) Set the userProperties property: Activity user...
This is an optional property and if not provided, the state will be Active by default. Overrides: AppendVariableActivity.withState(ActivityState state) Parameters: state withUserProperties public AppendVariableActivity withUserProperties(List userProperties) Set the userProperties property: Activity user...
This is an optional property and if not provided, the state will be Active by default. Overrides: AppendVariableActivity.withState(ActivityState state) Parameters: state withUserProperties public AppendVariableActivity withUserProperties(List userProperties) Set the userProperties property: Activity user...
This is an optional property and if not provided, the state will be Active by default. Overrides: AppendVariableActivity.withState(ActivityState state) Parameters: state withUserProperties public AppendVariableActivity withUserProperties(List userProperties) Set the userProperties property: Activity user...
This is an optional property and if not provided, the state will be Active by default. Overrides: AppendVariableActivity.withState(ActivityState state) Parameters: state withUserProperties public AppendVariableActivity withUserProperties(List userProperties) Set the userProperties property: Activity user...
This is an optional property and if not provided, the state will be Active by default. Overrides: AppendVariableActivity.withState(ActivityState state) Parameters: state withUserProperties public AppendVariableActivity withUserProperties(List userProperties) Set the userProperties property: Activity user...
This is an optional property and if not provided, the state will be Active by default. Overrides: SetVariableActivity.withState(ActivityState state) Parameters: state withUserProperties public SetVariableActivity withUserProperties(List userProperties) Set the userProperties property: Activity user ...