label如果强制显示出来,数据表就太庞杂了,它的显示方式是,你将鼠标移动到variable name上面,label就像注释一样显示出来了。
Example #get names of first and last variables in the file #last variable is index value N-1 because index values start at 0 firstVar=spss.GetVariableName(0) lastVar=spss.GetVariableName(spss.GetVariableCount()-1) print firstVar, lastVar #sort the data file in alphabetic order of variab...
拟合问题还是换用1stOpt吧,比SPSS简单好用的多 可是我不会写那个代码 数据比较多要得还急 发自小木虫...
spssdictionary.GetVariableName(index). Returns a character string containing the variable name for the variable in the active dataset indicated by the index value. The argument is the index value of the variable. Index values represent position in the active dataset, starting with 0 for the fir...
the variable name gt'is invalid because it is an spss reserved word 变量名gt'is无效,因为它是一个统计的保留字
spss 16.0 为什么只能最多分析11个成分?如果对更多的成分进行主成分分析,则系统显示:WarningsSPSS read a line of syntax which contains one or more characters which are invalid in the current locale.These characters have been converted to question marks.Text:速动比An undefined variable name,or a ...
1. “Incorrect variable name: either the name is more than 64 characters or it is not defined by a previous command.” 0 Like Community Support Admin Posted Fri August 07, 2020 11:59 AM Reply Hello all, I'm trying to creat...
The SPSS compute variable window. Step 2:Give your new (target) variable name. This can be anything you like, but make sure to adhere to SPSS naming conventions for variables. Step 3:Type in your request. For example, let’s say you wanted to add two variables: ...
SPSS Variable Labels and Value Labels let you create a code book right in the data set. Using these every time is good statistical practice.