2 How do I find and replace a part of a string variable in Stata? 0 Removing characters before a certain value in variable names in stata 0 creating a "for" loop in Stata that assigns a different label to multiple variables 2 Stata: import delimited with duplicate variables 0 How ...
label values year year . label variable id "Identification" . label variable year "Year of study" . label variable answer "Answer to question" . label variable inc "value of inc" . describe Contains data obs: 9 vars: 4 size: 180 (99.9% of memory free) --- storage display value varia...
for variables - not the labels for levels of a variable but the variable label ( as in label var "ID") Thanks Richard * * For searches and help try: * http://www.stata.com/help.cgi?search * http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq * http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/ Foll...
label variable a "a标签" //创建变量标签,使a列的变量标签为a标签 更改变量标签也是这条命令 label define 所处班级标签 1 "一班" 2 "二班" //创建值标签,标签名称为“所处班级标签”,所包含的标签为“一班”和“二班”,这两个标签对应的值分别为1和2。如果需要更改,只需在后面加replace即可,如:labe...
(1)打开stata15.0,不要打开任何数据文件,并提前把需要转化的数据文件放入stata的安装目录下(我的文件名为2013.dta)。 (2)输入命令:unicode analyze 2013.dta (3)输入命令:unicode encoding set gb18030 (4)输入命令:unicode translate "2013.dta", invalid(mark) transutf8 ...
stata操作问题实录 一、数据整理 1.新变量带原变量的标签 sysuseauto,clear gen m=mpg //新建的变量m没有了标签,我想要标签 clonevar Mpg = mpg //直接用clonevar命令就好了 2.下载时候就应该直接选合并报表 egenbb=group( 报表类型) drop if bb==2...
copydesc copies the format of fromvar, any variable label of fromvar, any value labels of fromvar, and any characteristics of fromvar, so that they also pertain to tovar. If fromvar has no variable label, the name of fromvar becomes the variable label of tovar. This is version 1.2.1...
If the author hasn’t requested a holding label, but is simply not responding, we should close the issue within one month after the last contact intent. This intent will include a comment tagging the author, but also an email using the email address listed in the DESCRIPTION of the package...
Similarly, code L1 as 1 for the SED label, and zero otherwise; G1 as 1 for males, and zero otherwise; D1 as 1 for low depression, and zero otherwise. View chapter Chapter Wavelets in Chemistry Data Handling in Science and Technology Book series2000, Data Handling in Science and ...
FACTEXT: Stata module to extract factor values from a label variable created by parmest factext is used to extract factors (categorical variables) from a label variable in an output data set created by the parmest package. The parmest package ... R Newson - 《Statistical Software Components》...