In behavioral psychology, schedule refers to how often reinforcement is provided, while interval refers to the time between the behavior and the reinforcement for the behavior. In a variable-interval schedule of reinforcement, a reward is given after variable amounts of time, while a fixed-...
interval estimate interval scale interval signal interval training intervale intervalley intervallum intervalometer intervarsity Intervary intervein Interveined intervene intervener Intervenience intervenient intervening intervening variable intervenor Intervent ...
Understand a variable interval and a variable-interval reinforcement schedule. Using a few variable-interval schedule examples, learn about their...
Moran, and Newell inThe Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction(1983). Their model human processor (MHP) included two general psychological information theoretic models as guiding principles for the field (1983, 26–27). One was Fitts’ law...
2007. Multiple imputation of missing values: Further update of ice, with an emphasis on interval censoring. Stata Journal 7: 445–464. . 2009. Multiple imputation of missing values: Further update of ice, with an emphasis on categorical variables. Stata Journal 9: 466–477. Rubin, D. B. ...
The 95% confidence interval for the slope is -.081, -.023. The negative slope indicates an interaction of the expected kind: Initially more aggressive boys benefit more from the intervention. Given that the residual variance is zero in this regression, the variation in the added linear growth...
While calculating the integral of f(x) in the interval of [a,b], which is \int_{a}^{b}f(x)dx, we may get a problem of parsing the integral curve. In other words, it is impossible to integral f(x) directly. Therefore, we need to sample within the interval [a,b]: \left\{...
Hi Kristoffer, Some time ago I've come up with a similar illustration about CIs as you have produced, and I'm now also referring to your work: kind regards, Hugo Quené(Utrecht University, Netherlands) Tor...
Choice RT (CRT).Subjects responded as quickly as possible to a stimulus (a white cross) in one of four horizontally spaced locations onscreen. The cross appeared after a random interval (300–550 ms in 50 ms increments) and could not appear in the same location on consecutive trials. Subje...
Definition 1 ([20]). Let S be a subset of ℝ. (i) S is called a generalized interval if it is either a standard interval, a point, or ∅. (ii) If S is a generalized interval, then the finite set P 𝒫 consisting of generalized intervals contained in S is called a partitio...