MyPROCEDURE (IN varchar, OUT varchar) you call it like: CALL MyPROCEDURE("This string", @myvar); then you examine the value of the variable: SELECT @myvar; and it should hold the result. Try testing on a small procedure. mysql> drop procedure if exists TestProc; Query OK, 0 rows af...
Bug #16108 Incorrect result of assigning CONV to a variable in a function/procedure Submitted: 30 Dec 2005 22:55Modified: 3 Jan 2006 17:55 Reporter: Dmitry Apresian Email Updates: Status: Can't repeat Impact on me: None Category: MySQL ServerSeverity: S3 (Non-critical) Version: 5.0....
show create procedure 存储过程名; #删除 drop procedure 存储过程名 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 简单使用In参数模式 - 创建、运行 CREATE DEFINER=`skip-grants user`@`skip-grants host` PROCEDURE `myProcedure`(IN `idNum` int) BEGIN declare sum int default 0; select * from book where id = idNum...
CREATEPROCEDUREp(incrementINT)BEGINDECLAREcounterINTDEFAULT0;WHILEcounter<10DO-- ... do work ...SETcounter=counter+increment;ENDWHILE;END; System Variable Assignment The MySQL server maintains system variables that configure its operation. A system variable can have a global value that affects server...
delimiter // create procedure Test() begin declare a datetime; set a = now(); select a; end Using this program: import java.sql.*; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); Connection conn...
SqlServerStoredProcedureActivity SqlServerTableDataset SqlSink SqlSource SqlUpsertSettings SquareLinkedService SquareObjectDataset SquareSource SsisAccessCredential SsisChildPackage SsisEnvironment SsisEnvironmentReference SsisExecutionCredential SsisExecutionParameter SsisFolder SsisLogLocation SsisLogLocationType SsisObject...
MySQL NetApp 文件 网络功能 Nginx 通知中心 Open Energy Platform 操作管理 Orbital 对等互连 Playwright 测试 策略见解 PostgreSQL Power BI 专用 Purview Quantum 配额 恢复服务 Recoveryservicesdatareplication Redis 中继 预留 资源运行状况 架构注册表 搜索 安全性 安全性 DevOps 安全见解 自助 服务总线 Service Fabri...
参考示例: DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `sp_cursor_test3` $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `sp_cursor_tes
SET applies to parameters and local variables in the context of the stored object within which they are defined. The following procedure uses the increment procedure parameter and counter local variable: CREATE PROCEDURE p(increment INT) BEGIN DECLARE counter INT DEFAULT 0; WHILE counter < 10 DO...
create procedure (in Fieldname varchar(100)) begin declate SQL varchar(200); set SQL='select '+Fieldname+' From Table1 where CodeID=0001'; Exec SQL; 'here i want to exec SQL variable SQL the same SQL server, but i can not