function [ output_args ] = Untitled1( input_args )%UNTITLED1 Summary of this function goes here...
函数本身存在错误,修改后,将下面函数保存为ispoiy.m。function C=ispoiy(X,Y,M)Input -X is the 1xn abscissa vector -Y is the 1xn ordinate vector -M is the degree of the least-squares polynomial Output-C is the coefficient list for the polynomial n=length(X);B=zeros(1:M...
MATLAB Functionblocks do not support code generation if one of the variables uses an alias type and is variable size. This limitation does not apply to input or output variables. For more information on defining variable-size variables and generating code with them, seeDeclare Variable-Size MATLAB...
这个错误是未对x定义造成的。错误原因及修改方法如下 没有给变量x赋值。在函数调用x前要给x赋值,例如x = 5;x已经赋值,但由于是在一个函数中赋值,但是在另一个函数中调用。此时用global在两个函数中分别声明x为全局变量。可以解决。
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: You did not define the output variable. For example, output C is not defined anywhere in the function: out = myfun(pi) Output argument "C" (and possibly others) not assigned a value in the execution with "solution>...
Open in MATLAB Online ThemeCopy function y = fcn(u) coder.extrinsic('imwrite'); y = imwrite(u,'testOutput.bmp'); I want to convert a jpg image to bmp image in simulink model. Tried doing through mathlab function but it is throwing this error....
Hi, I'm very new to matlab and i'm trying to write a function that outputs x and y when you input a, b and c (polynomial) and i get Undefined function or variable 'x' when i try to run it. This is my function currently 테마복사 function [a,b,c] = Polynomial(x,y)...
That second output will be the linear index of the location where the maximum value returned as the first output was located. Then use ind2sub to get the row and column indices. ThemeCopy x = 1:20; y = 1:13; I've written your function as a function handle so I can call it fro...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 A) Just put the call to load the variable in your function, perhaps with a call to uigetfile to enable the user to select the file interactively, or B) Put the filename in the argument list instead of var and return var (or whatever is the desired resu...