V527. The 'zero' value is assigned to pointer. Probably meant: *ptr = zero. V528. Pointer is compared with 'zero' value. Probably meant: *ptr != zero. V529. Suspicious semicolon ';' after 'if/for/while' operator. V530. Return value of 'Foo' function is required to be used. ...
V541. String is printed into itself. Consider inspecting the expression. V542. Suspicious type cast: 'Type1' to ' Type2'. Consider inspecting the expression. V543. It is suspicious that value 'X' is assigned to the variable 'Y' of HRESULT type. V544. It is suspicious that the value...
V527. The 'zero' value is assigned to pointer. Probably meant: *ptr = zero. V528. Pointer is compared with 'zero' value. Probably meant: *ptr != zero. V529. Suspicious semicolon ';' after 'if/for/while' operator. V530. Return value of 'Foo' function is required to be used. ...
impure function value return integer is begin return count; end function value; end protected body shared_counter; The variable count represents the storage for the counter type. Each shared variable of this type has its own instance of the count variable. The methods simply operate on the varia...
It is, therefore, initialized to nil (the Smalltalk undefined value). This declaration does nothing more than tell Smalltalk that from now on, the name x can be used to refer to a variable, to which values can be assigned and whose value can be accessed. Let us reiterate: in contrast ...
C# Problem - Why is the StreamReader skipping some lines C# process.start starts multiple instances everytime instead of one. c# program keeps increasing run time memory usages c# program to calculate birthday C# program to find files in a directory C# programm to count the number of duplicates...
- name: REPMGR_CHILD_NODES_CONNECTED_MIN_COUNT value: "1" - name: REPMGR_CHILD_NODES_DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT value: "30" envFrom: ports: - name: postgresql containerPort: 5432 protocol: TCP livenessProbe: failureThreshold: 6 initialDelaySeconds: 30 ...
Cannot find an overload for ".ctor" and the argument count: "2" Cannot find an overload for "op_Subtraction" and the argument count: "2". Cannot find drive. A drive with the name '"C' does not exist. Cannot find drive. A drive with the name 'E' does not exist. Cannot find...
The analyzer has detected a case where a variable is assigned the value already stored in it. Such an assignment is very likely to be a logic error.
V1001. Variable is assigned but not used by the end of the function. V1002. Class that contains pointers, constructor and destructor is copied by the automatically generated operator= or copy constructor. V1003. Macro expression is dangerous or suspicious. V1004. Pointer was used unsafely after...