F. Variability patterns of Rossby wave source. Clim. Dyn. 37, 441–454 (2010). Article Google Scholar Sardeshmukh, P. D. & Hoskins, B. J. The generation of global rotational flow by steady idealized tropical divergence. J. Atmos. Sci. 45, 1228–1251 (1998). Article Google Scholar ...
The teleconnection patterns in the RPCA approach are identified based on the entire flow field over the Northern Hemisphere, and not just from height anomalies at select locations, so it can get better continuity of the time series and robust patterns. VPD is calculated from maximum temperature ...
an enhanced spring and summer soil moisture as well as some significant patterns on the downstream side of the continent, as the deepening of the Aleutian low in the North Pacific Ocean, enhanced east Asian westerly winds, negative 500 hPa height anomalies or the strengthening of the North Paci...
The patterns of variability changes are primarily determined by two factors that are illustrated in Fig. 3a: (i) future warming amount (for greater warming, there is a larger difference in the amount of thermal expansion per temperature fluctuation; i.e., the EOS slope increases with increasing...
The boreal summer and boreal winter patterns are accurately represented by a bimodal index (Kikuchi and Wang, 2010; Kikuchi et al., 2012), which consists of the MJO and the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation (BSISO, or MISO; May–October). Several indexes are developed to track the ...
atmospheric patterns in the North Atlantic, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), can influence dust transport across the tropical Atlantic69,70,71,72. In this context, regression maps of sea level pressure anomalies (SLPA) reveal an anomalous high-pressure system centered over the Iberian...
The influences of the Pacific Ocean on other ocean basins can be operated through both the atmospheric bridges and oceanic pathways. 2.1 Atmospheric bridges 2.1.1 Walker and Hadley circulations From the name, the atmospheric bridges indicate atmospheric processes or patterns that can connect and link...
This wave train features anticyclonic circulation/blocking patterns leading to an increased temperature over the EE region. Further, with the use of climate model perturbation experiments and control simulations (detailed in the section below), we investigate the underlying mechanism through which the ...
Dynamical coupling processes15 between the stratosphere and the troposphere then transmit the solar signal to the Earth’s surface, projecting onto AO/NAO-like patterns16. Recently, analysis of long-term SLP and sea surface temperature observations suggest that the surface climate response to the 11...
A severe agricultural drought swept Central Asia in 2021, causing mass die-offs of crops and livestock. The anthropogenic contribution to declines in soil moisture in this region over recent decades has remained unclear. Here we show from analysis of lar