以二次大戰時期著名的美國 “Pin-up” 插畫家 Alberto Vargas 於《Esquire》男性雜誌中所發表的一系列名為 “Vargas Girls” 的畫作圖案做為主題,二次大戰中許多戰鬥機機首上的 “Nose Art” 與 A-2 等飛行夾克上的畫作大多都源自於 “Vargas Girls” 系列,除了十分賞心悅目外,更是具有相當獨特的歷史意義。
Average resolution:920 x 620 Total size:12 MB Tags:artartistgirlsillustratorpin-up Preview: Similar Projects Site Info Description: The ImageNETion Portal is a huge collection of virtual art galleries, featuring illustrations, paintings, and photos of pin-ups art, fantasy art, sci-fi art, digit...
亚伯托·瓦格斯 Alberto Vargas 1896 - 1983 著名秘鲁插画家 一生就用他的“水彩和喷枪”制作大量时尚的“迷人女孩”,风靡世界。 亚伯托·瓦格斯Alberto Vargas - It's new. It's different 1941 亚伯托·瓦格斯Alberto Vargas - Linda Darnell 1896-1982 亚伯托·瓦格斯Alberto Vargas – Pin Up Girls 1896-1982 ...
亚伯托·瓦格斯Alberto Vargas - It's new. It's different 1941 亚伯托·瓦格斯Alberto Vargas - Linda Darnell 1896-1982 亚伯托·瓦格斯Alberto Vargas – Pin Up Girls 1896-1982 亚伯托·瓦格斯Alberto Vargas - Sleepy Time Gal 1896-1982 亚伯托·瓦格斯Alberto Vargas - Scheherazade 1896-1982 亚伯托·瓦格斯Al...
Playboy gave Vargas back his full name and many years of respect and consistent employment. Vargas was so loyal during his Playboy years that he turned down virtually all outside opportunities. He painted over 150 Vargas girls for the magazine in sixteen years....
Alberto Vargas秘魯出生的美國插畫家 1896-1982阿爾貝托 巴爾加斯的簡介手工繪畫製作各種現代裝飾油畫、古典油畫、世界名家名畫等,請與我們聯繫告訴我們油畫的編號或者發送圖片給我們詢價。返回油畫編號:48972Varga Girl January 1941 Poster 油畫編號:48973Alberto Vargas Art, Pin Up Girls 油畫編號:48974-Unknown 油畫編號...
Alberto Vargas took over Esquire magazine’s monthly pin-up post in late 1940. By 1942, when the U.S. joined the war, he had more than a million ardent enlisted fans who carried his pin-ups in backpacks and duffel bags as reminders of the American girls they’d left behind. When Esqu...