FIG. 10 is a flow diagram of a design process used in semiconductor design and manufacture of the semiconductor structures according to the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION As stated above, the present invention relates to a lateral hyperabrupt junction varactor diode, and me...
bifurcation chaos circuit oscillations nonlinear network analysis stability tuning varactors amplitude modulated signal bifurcation diagram chaotic instability chaotic onset threshold chaotic oscillations dissipative nonlinearity nonlinear systems quasiperiodic excitation varactor circuits varactor diode tuning circuit weakl...
6008702Voltage-controlled oscillator with diode and passive element to increase range of oscillating frequency1999-12-28Yamamoto331/179 1624537Oscillation generator1927-04-12Colpitts Other References: C. Lee, T. Yao, A. Mangan, K. Yau, M.A. Copeland, and S.P. Voinigescu, “SiGe BiCMOS 65-...
Polaniecki, in U.S. Pat. No. 3,316,478, shows a regenerative frequency changer with a diode mixer having an input connected to the frequency changer output through a frequency multiplier comprising a DC blocking capacitor and a varactor diode. The varactor in this circuit is used for frequen...