Supporting the i.MX 6 QuadPlus/Quad/Dual/DualLite/Solo SOC, the VAR-SOM-MX6 allows designers to use a single System on Module in a broad range of applications to achieve short time-to-market for their current innovations, while still accommodating potential R&D directions and marketing opportun...
VAR-SOM-MX6 Development Kit and Starter Kit, based on NXP i.MX6 processor. The kits provide a great showcase of the VAR-SOM-MX6 SOM. Starting from $399.
VAR-EXT-CB402: Camera extension board with OV5640 sensor to VAR-SOM-MX6 Kits 产品型号区别描述: VAR-STK-MX6_V2配套: VAR-SOM-MX6Q_V2 + VAR-MX6CustomBoard Debug Cable VAR-DVK-MX6_V2配套: VAR-SOM-MX6Q_V2 + VAR-MX6CustomBoard WVGA 7” Color TFT LCD + Resistive touch ...
Длявключенияиспользованиядисплеяпо LVDS необходиморедактироватьфайл ./debian_var-som-mx6/src/kernel/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6qdl-var-mx6cb-rdisplay.dtsi: Примерподключения Mitsubishi Electric AT...
The VAR-SOM-6UL is highly flexible System-on-Module (SoM) based on NXP i.MX 6ULL ARM Cortex-A7 processor, up to 900MHz CPU Clock. The SoM provides a scalable pin-compatible option to i.MX 6 and i.MX 8/8X platforms.Note: All SOMs are preloaded with Linux U-Boot. For loading ...
spi_register_board_info(mx6_var_som_spidev_device, ARRAY_SIZE(mx6_var_som_spidev_device)); } At this point, using a rebuilded kernel I obtain just a /dev/spidev2.0 so I found out that I need to enable ECSPI1 using imx6q_add_ecspi function. Am I wrong? I have added the fo...
唯样商城为您提供Variscite设计生产的VAR-SOM-MX6S_800C_256R_12 元器件,主要参数为:,VAR-SOM-MX6S_800C_256R_12库存充足,购买享优惠!
唯样商城为您提供Variscite设计生产的VAR-SOM-MX6S-V2-800C-512R 元器件,主要参数为:,VAR-SOM-MX6S-V2-800C-512R库存充足,购买享优惠!
imx6q-var-som.dts imx6qdl-var-som.dtsi VAR-SOM-MX6_V2 (Quad / Dual) VAR-MX6CustomBoard Capacitive/Resistive touch VAR-DVK-MX6_V2-PROVAR-STK-MX6_V2 imx6q-var-som-vsc.dts imx6qdl-var-som.dtsi VAR-SOM-MX6_V2 (Quad / Dual) VAR-SOLOCustomBoard Capacitive LVDS touch N/A imx6dl...
$ cd ~/var-imx-yocto-krogoth $ MACHINE=var-som-mx6 DISTRO=fsl-imx-x11 source -b build_x11 Optional steps: local.conf customization launch bitbake: Without Qt content: $ bitbake fsl-image-gui Or with Qt content: $ bitbake fsl-image-qt5 Build Qt5 image withou...