Define Vaquita porpoises. Vaquita porpoises synonyms, Vaquita porpoises pronunciation, Vaquita porpoises translation, English dictionary definition of Vaquita porpoises. Noun 1. vaquita - a short porpoise that lives in the Gulf of California; an endanger
网络释义 1. 加湾鼠海豚 生活在加利福尼亚湾的加湾鼠海豚(vaquita porpoise)也处在高度灭绝危险中,目前现存的可能仅有几百头。|基于 1 个网页
vaquita名词 用户条目 vaquita(porpoise)动物 KalifornischerSchweinswal vaquita(porpoise)动物 Golftümmlerm vaquita(porpoise)动物 Vaquitam技术用语 单语范例(未经PONS编辑处理) 英语 Other potential threats to the vaquita population include habitat alterations and pollutants. ...
Define vaquita. vaquita synonyms, vaquita pronunciation, vaquita translation, English dictionary definition of vaquita. Noun 1. vaquita - a short porpoise that lives in the Gulf of California; an endangered species Phocoena sinus porpoise - any of severa
The vaquita porpoise, long considered the world's most endangered marine mammal, is in need of protectionmore than ever before, according to a new analysis.The study, published today in the journal Royal Society Open Science, estimates that the population of theMexican porpoises has dropped to ...
MEXICO CITY, March 20 (Xinhua) -- The body of a vaquita porpoise, one of the most endangered species in the world with around 60 left, was found in the Gulf of California in northwestern Mexico, seemingly after being trapped in illegal fishing nets. ...
The vaquita is a small porpoise endemic to the Gulf of California that reaches about 5 feet in length and about 120 pounds in adulthood. It is the only porpoise species to live in shallow, warm water and locally nicknamed "pandas of the sea" due to the dark patches around their eyes. ...
The vaquita porpoise, long considered the world's most endangered marine mammal, is in need of protection more than ever before, according to a new analysis. The study, published today in the journal Royal Society Open Science, estimates that the population of the Mexican porpoises has dropped ...
The vaquita porpoise, long considered the world's most endangered marine mammal, is in need of protectionmore than ever before, according to a new analysis.The study, published today in the journal Royal Society Open Science, estimates that the population of theMexican porpoises has dropped to ...
floats in the ocean after being found in an illegal totoaba net recovered by Sea Shepherd in the Gulf of California off of Mexico. The environmentalist group Sea Shepherd said Thursday, March 14, 2019 that it found the badly decomposed body of what appeared to be a vaquita porpoise, one of...