4) Vapor-solid (VS) reaction mode 气-固(VS)反应生长模式5) VLS growth mechanism 气-液-固生长机制6) VLS/VS mechanism 气-液-固/气-固生长机制补充资料:诺德人体生长激素,基因重组人生长激素,健高买,重组人生长激素 药物名称:重组人生长激素英文名:Somatropin别名:诺德人体生长激素,基因重组人生长...
Vapor-solid growth of Sn nanowires: growth mechanism and superconductivity [J]. J Phys Chem B,2005,109( 10) : 4398 - 4403.Y. J. Hsu,S. Y. Lu."Vapor-solid growth of Sn nanowires: Growthmechanism and superconductivity". Journal of Physical Chemistry B . 2005...
5) vapor-solid growth mechanism 气-固生长机理6) mechanism of gas-solid sep-aration 气固分离机理补充资料:表气不固 表气不固 表气不固 病证名。即卫气不固。《灵枢·本脏》:“卫气者,所以温分肉,充皮肤,肥腠理,司开合者也。”卫阳虚则不能固表,皮肤腠理疏泄,外邪易侵而成疾。发病时多有怕...
1) vapor-solid method 气-固法2) VLS method 气-固-液法3) Vapor-liquid-solid method 气-液-固法 1. Advances of vapor-liquid-solid method used for semiconductor nanowire growth; 气-液-固法在半导体纳米线生长中的应用4) gas-solid method 气固相法 1. The Ti-ZSM-5 zeolite samples ...
When a gas molecule collides or interacts with a solid surface it may (1) reflect elastically, (2) reflect inelastically, in which case the energy exchange is characterized by the energy accommodation coefficient, or (3) lose sufficient energy that it remains on the surface, at least for ...
气-固生长(vapor-solid—VS)制备一维纳米材料图书来源:纳米材料学基础作者:陈翌庆 石瑛 出版时间:2009-01 定价:28元图书ISBN:978-7-81105-705-8出版单位:中南大学出版社 购买纸质书 购买电子书 借阅图书详情信息展示登录账号 解锁更多内容 相关知识点 四针状氧化锌晶须制备及其形貌控制 β-Si3N4纤维和α-Si3N4...
We also found that even when growth conditions lead to the disappearance of such Ga nanoparticles, preferential one-dimensional growth continues through a vapor-solid mechanism. The nanowire portions grown by vapor solid mechanism display zincblend structure. 展开 ...
Kinetics of Vapor-Solid Phase Transitions: Structure, Growth, and MechanismThe kinetics of the separation between low and high density phases in a single component Lennard-Jones model is studied via molecular dynamics simulations, at very low temperatures, in the space dimension d = 2. For ...
Nanowires grown in the vapor-solid-solid mode using solid gold nanoparticles as a catalyst may exhibit a strong fluctuation of their length mostly due to the presence of an incubation time with a large distribution. We show that this is efficiently cured by an appropriate preparation of the cata...
6) vapor-solid-solid mechanism 气-固-固机制补充资料:气液固反应器 分子式:CAS号:性质:又称气液固反应器。即反应系统中存在气液固三相的反应器。可分为三类(1)气液固三者都是反应物或产物,如氨水与二氧化碳生成碳酸氢铵固体的碳化塔。(2)气液为反应物或产物,固相为催化剂,如苯在镍催化剂上液相加氢制...