boiling point equationCox's equationdynamic methodseffusion methodsequilibration methodsRiedel's equationstatic methodsvapor pressureVelasco equationwagner equationRogdakis EmmanouilSchool of Mechanical Engineering National Technical University of Athens Zografou GreeceIrene P. Koronaki...
● Vapor pressure (Vp), boilingpoint (BP) and vapor density (Vd) are three physical properties that aresignificant in determining risk. (蒸气压、沸点、蒸气密度是在决定风险时很重要的3个物理特性。) ● All liquids give off somevapor at their surface. The amount of vapor given off by a liqui...
● Vapor pressure (Vp), boilingpoint (BP) and vapor density (Vd) are three physical properties that aresignificant in determining risk. (蒸气压、沸点、蒸气密度是在决定风险时很重要的3个物理特性。) ● All liquids give off somevapor at their surface. The amount of vapor given off by a liqui...
1.The pressure exerted by water vapor in the atmosphere. 2.The pressure exerted by a vapor on the solid or liquid phase with which it is in equilibrium. At pressures lower than the vapor pressure, atoms or molecules of the liquid or solid being vaporized can escape from the surface of th...
13.Transfer liquid from containers by using the product vapor pressure or external gaseous product pressure. 通过利用产品的蒸气压或外部气体产品压力来从容器中转移液体. 14.Vapor pressure and boiling point depends on molecular mass and the type of intermolecular forces. 蒸汽压及沸点取决于分子量及分子间...
vapor pressure vs. boiling point Discover More Example Sentences One way to measure this effect is through vapor pressure deficit, or VPD, which is the difference between how much water vapor the air could hold and how much is actually there. ...
It is shown that ionic liquid can reduce the saturatedvapor pressureof water. 结果显示,离子液体能降低水的饱和蒸气压. 互联网 Vapor pressureand boiling point depends on molecular mass and the type of intermolecular forces. 蒸汽压及沸点取决于分子量及分子间作用力的类型. ...
3.Computer package forvapor pressureestimation system;饱和蒸气压估算系统的建立 英文短句/例句 1.Reid vapor test gauge雷德蒸气压力测试仪 2.A Tentative Study on the Relationship Among External Pressure,Vapor Tension and Boiling Point外压与沸点和蒸气压的关系浅论(英文) ...
Pressure is one of the basic variables in thermodynamics. It is the force exerted by the system on the unit area of its wall. Two major experimental methods are used for the measurement of vapor pressure at high temperatures: the boiling point method and the transpiration method. Pressure ...
Rapid measurement of boiling points and vapor pressure of binary mixtures of short-chain triglycerides by TGA method. Thermochim. Acta 311:71-79.Goodrum, J.W., D.P. Geller, and S.A. Lee, Rapid Measurement of Boiling Points and Vapor Pressure of Binary Mixtures of Short Chain Triglycerides ...