Abstract The use of e-cigarettes, otherwise known as ‘vaping’, has been increasing at alarming rates among youth and young adults. Although the long-term harms of vaping are still unclear, emerging evidence brings to light potential risks associated with vaping, especially for youth and non-sm...
In US more young people than adults vape7 –Read more teen vaping statistics and facts In 2019 9% of 13-14 year olds had vaped nicotine; in 2017 it was only 3.5%4 Only 40% of parents were aware that their children vaped; against 70% for smoking9 Around two-thirds of JUUL users age...
The page is current for May 2019, has no additional associated costs, and offers many links for resources and social media sharing. This site pairs well with the Surgeon General's site and is appropriate for all audiences. https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/surveys/nyts/index.ht...
Australia’s Tightened Vaping Regulations: Another Misstep for Public Health The Australian government recently revealed its intentions to enforce stricter regulations on recreational vaping. Health Minister Mark Butler introduced a Vaping Statistics Australia: Insights into Youth and Adult Use ...
third showed that it can actually be a gateway to nicotine addiction for people who had never smoked. At best, the case for e-cigarettes as a cure for smoking is unproven bystatistics. In 2016 the European Union introduced new regulations on nicotine levels and child-proofing for e-...
Bangladesh planned to ban e-cigarettes hence there are no proper statistics on how many people own and use ENDS in the country. Table 1. Country-based specifications of tobacco, smokeless tobacco, and ENDS use [[12], [13], [14], [15]]. CountryTobaccoSmokeless TobaccoTotalVaping/E-...
Over the years, the growth in adolescent-aged users has become an alarming trend. In the United States, adolescent vaping was declared an “epidemic” by the Surgeon General in 2018[1]. According to the 2019 Canadian Health Survey of Children and Youth administered by Statistics Canada, nearly...
Coronavirus creates challenges for those who want to quit vaping Brad Lamm, author of a new book called “Quit Vaping,” says statistics on patients with an underlying condition of smoking could push vapers and smokers to kick the habit....
National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Health Interview Survey Data, Questionnaires and Related Documentation. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhis/data-questionnaires-documentation.htm Accessed 14 Sept 2023 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Sm...
dosing than possible for tobacco smoking, which increases the risk for nicotine addiction. Most vape liquids (e-liquid, e-juice) contain 5% nicotine (39-48 mg/pod); propylene glycol; glycerin; flavorings; carcinogens, such as aldehydes; heavy metals, such as nickel, tin, and lead;...