答案是:No vaping. 所以,如果回到开头说的飞机上提示“禁止吸烟也包括电子烟”这句话,用英语表达,最准确的说法应该是:No smoking or vaping. 图片发自简书App 国外街头禁烟的公示语标识都是这样写,既对仗工整又意思准确,这是最佳表达方法。 知道了电子烟的由来,大家也不难理解为什么吸电子烟要叫vaping,因为电子烟...
答案是:No vaping. 所以,如果回到开头说的飞机上提示“禁止吸烟也包括电子烟”这句话,用英语表达,最准确的说法应该是:No smoking or vaping. 国外街头禁烟的公示语标识都是这样写,既对仗工整又意思准确,这是最佳表达方法。 知道了电子烟的由来,大家也...
It dawned on me that, in this moment, I was witnessing a microcosm of public opinion on smoking vs. vaping: one is well-known and viewed as clearly harmful to children, while the other is more unknown and billed as “not so bad.” The truth is that second-hand ...
“While evidence suggests that vaping is currently increasing smoking cessation,” they added, “the impact could be much larger if the public health community paid serious attention to vaping’s potential to help adult smokers, smokers received accurate information about the relative risks of vaping ...
Or is it best to stay more “traditional”, and stick to the good ol’ joint option? Vaping vs Smoking: What’s More Potent? This is, believe it or not, a very frequently asked question due to the fact that potency is important at the end of the day — especially after those hard...
This, my friends, is called addiction. We need to stop asking whether vaping is better or worse than smoking. They’re detrimental in their own ways and continuing to compare the two may make it less likely for us to investigate and articulate the actual risks of vaping....
2025 Winter Update: We offer In-Office, House Calls, as well as TeleHealth Hypnosis for your convenience and safety. Stop Smoking when ready
They commented that the increases observed in vaping or smoking in North America are consistent with the increase in the popularity of nicotine salt products such as Juul. “Given that e-cigarette use among adults has decreased over the same period, the findings suggest the growth of the U.S...
Hyping the harms of e-cigarettes or banning the types of flavours that may broaden their appeal could seriously undermine their potential as tools to help people stop smoking. “As long as smokers believe that vaping is as dangerous or more dangerous than smoking, many of them are ...
“Our findings provide the first evidence that smoking in combination with vaping significantly increases the risk of lung cancer compared to smoking alone," said study co-authorDr. Randall Harris, a professor of epidemiology in the university's College of Public Health. ...