When you first started vaping, it might have seemed like a better alternative to smoking cigarettes…but maybe you’re finding that now you’re just hooked on something else that makes you feel short of breath and twitchy. Whether your brain is dominated by the urge to hit your pen or yo...
I’ve done the research, and I still feel that it is the way to go for those that do not fancy pharmaceuticals or enjoy the ritual of smoking and have no active desire to quit
The only thing worse than having no original product descriptions is having no original text of any kind. Starting a blog is an excellent opportunity to showcase your expertise in a field and attract website visitors who might be interested in buying your products. If your website has no blo...
The truth of the study is that therearemetals in e-liquid vapor — just not in high enough concentrations to be especially concerning. But vapers should be aware of it, and it’s probably something manufacturers should try to reduce as much as possible. That’s the story here. But it’...
This is an interesting one. I’ve seen the argument made in many places, but whenever I made the decision to try toactually findan asthma inhaler or a nebulizer which uses PG, I’ve been completely unable to. A poster on redditeven asked outright if anybody could prove this statement, ...