It is so much like smoking, but you’re not using any tobacco or getting any tar or the other dangerous additives that are in cigarettes. Also, you don’t have to worry about producing any secondhand smoke for others to breathe. The vapor doesn’t have the smell of cigarettes and it e...
For example, if you have your prescription and wouldn’t like to be seen swallowing pills or dropping CBD oil under your tongue, then vaping is a sure way to take your cannabis dose regularly. The only downside here why one could consider vaping worse than smoking is that the overall avail...
On a recent visit to Vape Town, a purveyor of e-cigarettes in Manhattan’s West Village, I find a culture in flux. The store is equal parts Game of Thrones and The Matrix. One display features slender white boxes, so minimally branded they could easily house an eco-...
“I think this research is long overdue, especially considering how much e-cigarettes have gained traction,” Bene-Alhasan said. “We don’t want to wait too long to find out eventually that it might be harmful, and by that time a lot of harm might already have been done. With more ...
Is there formaldehyde in vapes? Smoking kills, but what about vaping? Vaping vs. smoking Every discussion of the health risks of vaping should begin with a comparison to cigarette smoking. Vapes are designed to be reduced-harm alternatives to cigarettes, and it’s important to weigh vaping vers...
“We believe the potential lifesaving benefits of e-cigarettes for adult smokers deserve attention equal to the risks to youths,” the scientists wrote. “Millions of middle-aged and older smokers are at high risk of near-future disease and death. Quitting reduces risk.” ...
Instead, they use heating systems to generate an aerosol based on Propylene Glycol and Vegetable Glycerin, which can be inhaled by users. Compared to traditional cigarettes which are heated to around 900℃, which is the level of combustion, NEAFS products are gently heated to around 350℃. ...
Ready to take your first step and purchase an e-cigarette? Here is some useful information to help you get started with electronic cigarettes and vaping.
While vaping can serve as an alternative to cigarette smoking, it still poses inherent risks, especially for young adults. Most vape products contain nicotine, the same highly addictive chemical found in cigarettes. There is no regulated list of chemicals in vape products, and these chemicals can...
Like a vaping device, the IQOS produces no “side stream” vapor. It only emits vapor when it’s being inhaled. The tobacco sticks feel like cigarettes in the user’s mouth, and the flavor is supposed to be very close to a cigarette—and certainly nothing like vape flavors, not eventoba...