Duterte on Wednesday signed the EO No. 106 banning cigarette smoking in public and enclosed areas such as schools, elevators and stairwells, fire hazards locations and medical facilities. The order was later released on Friday. It also regulates the sale, manufacture, marketing, distribution and i...
schools seemed to play a large role in teen e-cigarette use; students needed schools to access devices. This changed over time as teen vaping became less of an unorthodox, hush-hush practice, and was near normalized in many schools.
Aseparate study, led by University of Southern California researchers, suggests menthol doesn't have the same appeal as mint. The study found that mint was the most popular flavor amongJuul usersin 10th and 12th grades and the second-most popular among middle-schoolers. In contrast, less than...
“The truth of the matter is the kids see it, they know what it is — and it in itself is a deterrent,” said Edward Salina, superintendent of Plainedge Public Schools. Whether schools’ efforts are making a broader difference has yet to be seen, though. Teen vaping decreased for the ...
The problem is that it isn’t just smokers who start vaping. Volusia County’s School Board says one out of six kids in its middle and high schools use vapes. "Cigarettes are bad enough. You can't convince me that vapes are not worse," Courtney Robinson told FOX 35 News. ...
secondary schoolsvapingIn early 2021, Western Sydney school principals expressed heightened concern about rising e-cigarette usage among high school students. This prompted us to assess knowledge, attitudes and perceptions surrounding adolescent vaping in students, school staff and parents, and their ...
“The truth of the matter is the kids see it, they know what it is — and it in itself is a deterrent,” said Edward Salina, superintendent of Plainedge Public Schools. Whether schools’ efforts are making a broader difference has yet to be seen, though. Teen vaping decreased for...
Per Miami-Dade Public Schools, the other campuses are not revealed because the principals want their names retained. Broward County Schools say they are considering installing vape sensors in their schools.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte signed in May 2017 an executive order that bans smoking in all public places in the Philippines, including schools, workplaces, government facilities, churches, hospitals, transport terminals, markets, parks and resorts. But the executive order covers only traditional...
In the latest report, the CDC highlighted one worrisome but puzzling finding. There was a slight increase in middle schools students who said they had used at least one tobacco product in the past month, while that rate fell among high school students. Usually those move in tandem, said Kurt...